RDI-30027 - Leadership, management and organisation (Apprentice Route)
Coordinator: Heather Brown Room: Mac1.15 Tel: +44 1782 7 34193
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 6
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office:

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

This module promotes fitness for practice and leadership and management considerations against role responsibility and scope of practice. Teaching of personal and professional values will promote organisational values.

This module aims to ensure that all attributes for the professional registration requirements of the Health Care and Professions Council (HCPC) and the Society and College of Radiographers (SCoR) are fully embedded within theory. This module provides understanding of organisational management and leadership concepts which can be utilised in practice; supporting the undergraduate's professional development and self governance. Leadership skills acquired from this module provide a knowledge-base suitable for a fully informed undergraduate to transition to autonomous practitioner. The fundamental framework of clinical governance, standard setting, monitoring, compliance and management strategies will be delivered.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Critically evaluate the qualities and skills of the autonomous practitioner within the profession and within other allied healthcare professionals: 2
Identify organisational values and leadership and demonstrate self-governance to support best practice outcomes: 1
Critically evaluate healthcare governance strategies to meet regulatory and advisory requirements: 1
Demonstrate clinical reasoning within moral, ethical, and legal considerations within healthcare: 2

Study hours

Scheduled teaching: 12hrs in total.
12 hrs student-facing lecture delivery- either lecture or workshop or combination
.Independent study:138 hours in total consisting of 18 hrs of facilitated group workshop sessions with incorporating case study work, moral and ethical debate, interview practice. The workshop sessions will be directed with small group tutorials encouraging confidence in discussions and debate within the cohort. Peer review will be the only form of assessment of the group tutorials.
60 hrs independent but directed study of literature sources, Care and Quality Commission (CQC) external reports and standards. Retrospective review of healthcare improvements and promotions.
60 hrs Healthcare news, topics, policy and procedure investigation. These literature sources support preparation for summative assessments 1 & 2.

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Reflective Analysis weighted 50%
A critical reflection with a strong focus on perceived competency and skill -set assessment.
Workbook - incorporating continuous milestones with scenarios on leadership, management and organisation with a final critical reflection on personal competencies and skills in alignment with HCPC, SCoR and Apprentice outcomes for graduate radiographers.

2: Case Study weighted 50%
Written assignment 1,500 words
An anonymised patient case study evaluation which evaluates a patient story involving imaging with a focus on person specific requirements. Equality, diversity, and inclusivity needs must be considered for the individual under evaluation. The case study must promote the NHS England agenda of person-centred care with clear and critical evaluation of individual needs.