SWK-40079 - Contemporary Social Work Practice
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733928

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

This module provides the opportunity to students to build on the foundations laid in year 1 regarding social work with children, young people and families, and adults, and the corresponding legal and safeguarding frameworks and developmental theory. It introduces more criticality in considering more advanced social work practice with these service user groups at higher levels of risk and complexity, appropriate to the qualifying level of the programme.

This module aims to enable students to become effective social work practitioners with a range of service user groups. The module will contribute to the preparation of students for their first post-qualification role in social work practice.

Intended Learning Outcomes

critically discuss the circumstances (including the impact of adverse environments) and experiences of service users and carers with complex needs: 1
demonstrate a critical understanding of risk, risk-taking and risk management in processes of assessment, monitoring and review, and associated professional decision-making and judgement including safeguarding: 1
demonstrate a critical awareness of key current issues and debates within social work practice, including partnership working
: 1
critically examine the legal and practice context in which social work with service users and carers with complex needs takes place
: 1
critically appraise the tensions inherent in upholding individual rights to autonomy and independence and as appropriate, providing care and protection of adults deemed to be in need of such support: 1

Study hours

Active learning hours:
in situ:
30 hours lectures, seminars and workshops
3 hours assessment preparation
Remote, asynchronous Independent Study: -
40 hours seminar preparation (reading)
77 hours assessment preparation, independent study and revision

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Speaking Assessment weighted 100%
30-minute verbal assessment following seen case study preparation