Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module will provide Keele University MA Students with a solid grounding to feel confident in taking their next steps into professional practice. Students will have the opportunity to work with social work practitioners, other professionals, and service users and their carers, to enhance their knowledge and skills.
This professional development module aims to provide students with the opportunity to develop and apply their professionalism, skills and knowledge in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory body, Social Work England, for the assessment of preparation for placement and also in line with doctor guidance as per BASW's Readiness to Direct Practice Level of the Social Work Professional Capabilities Framework.
Intended Learning Outcomes
demonstrate evidence of meeting relevant elements of Social Work England's requirements in respect of preparedness for practice through successful completion of skills days prior to placement and meeting all conditions of entry to the course: 1
demonstrate a critical understanding of the 9 Domains with the Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) required for Readiness for Direct Practice level: 1
analyse and demonstrate professionalism within a classroom context: 1,2
critically reflect and articulate learning on own professional development: 1,2
gain an understanding of statutory social work practice in context: 3
Active learning hours:
In situ
Lectures and seminars: 36
Workshops including with service users and carers and practitioners: 36
Guided shadowing preparation support - 10 hours
Placement shadowing: 21 hours of contact with Social Workers in the context of a social work agency (or equivalent task if circumstances prevent in situ shadowing of social workers)
Independent study (remote, asynchronous) = 47 hours:
Preparing for the presentation - 20 hours
Writing up reflections - 10 hours
Wider reading - 17 hours
Description of Module Assessment
1: Presentation weighted 100%15 minute individual Presentation
15 minute individual presentation and accompanying notes reflecting on feedback, learning and progression throughout the module which demonstrates their readiness for direct practice (linking to Social Work England's standards and BASW PCF at this level). The assessment must include the student�s knowledge and reflection on the role and responsibility of social workers in contemporary practice, including core skills, and their work within the multi-agency context.
2: Reflective Diary weighted 0%1,000 word CPD Log
1,000-word CPD log on how skills development day learning has supported the student�s professional development, highlighting ongoing learning to be carried forward into the First Practice Placement
3: Attendance Only weighted 0%Attendance report
Completed attendance documentation confirming that 3 days of social work agency shadowing or equivalent task had been completed.