VET-20005 - Veterinary Epidemiology and Population Medicine
Coordinator: Marisol Collins
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 5
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733928

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

The aims of this module are to
1. Explore the role and importance of epidemiology and data analysis in clinical veterinary medicine, animal health, welfare and public health.
2. Develop the theoretical knowledge and skills to apply basic epidemiological and statistical methods.
3. Apply epidemiological principles and skills to the investigation and management of disease outbreaks in research and clinical practice scenarios.

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Recognise and discuss the role of epidemiology in contemporary animal health issues at the local, national and global level, with emphasis on a transdisciplinary One Health approach: 1,2
Describe the principles of qualitative and quantitative epidemiological methods and recognise the importance of related disciplines including veterinary economics and mathematical modelling and how they contribute to veterinary epidemiology: 1,2
Describe the different types of epidemiological study, their strengths and weaknesses and how these studies are used to address different disease research questions: 1,2
Understand and apply basic epidemiological and statistical methods used to investigate the possible causes of disease, the characteristics of diagnostic tests in clinical diagnosis and disease control, the effectiveness of treatments and the importance of potential risk factors: 1,2
Interpret results of basic epidemiological and statistical methods, demonstrating awareness of the major types of bias and confounding in epidemiological studies, and discuss outcomes in the wider context of disease prevention and control: 1,2

Study hours

Lectures - 18 hours
Tutorials - 18 hours
Workshop - 4 hours
Supervised online study (GOAL) - 8 hours
Independent Learning - 102 hours

School Rules

Progression from level 4

Description of Module Assessment

1: Exam weighted 50%
Written Exam
In situ, closed book, timed (2 hour) written examination including short answer and multiple choice questions sampling all indicative content

2: Assignment weighted 50%
Epidemiological Case Study Portfolio
Epidemiological Case Study Portfolio a. Essay weighted 60% Students will submit a 1000-word written outline of a proposed study design to address an epidemiological research question based on a given scenario and associated data set. Students will outline a basic study protocol capable of addressing the research question and will demonstrate understanding of the basic epidemiological methods taught, together with the rationale for the choice of study design and discussion of the strengths, weaknesses, biases and confounding. The task will evidence interpretation and application of the taught material on appropriate epidemiological study design, with the benefit of feedback from a formative element. b. Case Study weighted 40% Students will submit an 800-word guideline document informing veterinary professionals on key epidemiological considerations relating to one from a selected list of infectious disease scenarios of veterinary and public health importance. The report will focus on disseminating epidemiological information on the relevant disease(s) and should demonstrate understanding of the aetiology, risk factors, mode of transmission, prevalence, detection, surveillance, prevention and economic impact. This assignment scenario is developed alongside and complements a separate assessment within the Communications and Professional Skills module. Assignment A and B aggregated with above weightings to generate overall grade for portfolio.