A thriving, inclusive Christian community and Church at the heart of Keele University Campus

About Keele Chapel

The chapel is one of the places on campus set aside for groups or individuals to worship, pray, meditate or reflect, and all students and staff are most welcome to make use of it.

These pages are particularly about the Christian worshipping community at the chapel, including Sunday services.  If you want to know more about chaplaincy in general or the other events that happen at the chapel, check out the university's faith pages.

The Building

The Chapel is normally open between 7:30am-10pm (during term time). There is a small kitchenette where free tea and coffee are provided, welcome spaces with seating and an upstairs meeting room. Everyone is welcome!

Main Chapel

The Main Chapel is used for Sunday services, Christian groups and societies, music recitals/concerts and lessons, graduations and public events.

East Chapel

The East Chapel is primarily set aside for private prayer, and includes a dedicated Roman Catholic apse, a prayer board, space to light candles. Bibles and prayer cards are available.

The Space

The Space is located within the East Chapel, and is offered as a safe and inclusive space for people of any, or no faith. It’s deliberately kept free of any religious symbols and is available for individuals for quiet prayer, reflection or meditation.

Keele Chapel is a welcoming and inclusive place

We believe all people are made in the image and likeness of God.  We celebrate our diversity and seek not to discriminate on the basis of gender, mental health, physical ability, race, sexuality or any other such distinctions.

Our community includes a wide range of theological, ethical and moral understandings, beliefs and practices.  We are committed to belonging together and loving each other, even as we live with the tension of these differences.

The life of the chapel includes students, non-students, staff and various Christian student groups. We welcome people of all Christian traditions.  All of this together makes up to our diverse community.

“Live the kind of life which proves that God has called you. Be humble and gentle in every way. Be patient with each other and lovingly accept each other. Through the peace that ties you together, do your best to maintain the unity that the Spirit gives.  There is one body and one Spirit. In the same way you were called to share one hope.”  Ephesians 4:1-4

Keele Chapel is ecumenical

The Chapel is a Local Ecumenical Partnership (L.E.P.), which means that major Christian denominations are represented and work together.

At the chapel we have:

  • An Anglican (or Church of England) Chaplain
  • A Free Church Chaplain - this chaplain represents the Methodist, Baptist and United Reformed Churches
  • A Catholic Lay Chaplain - this title means that he is a Catholic but not a priest 
  • A part-time Catholic Priest Chaplain - Fr John visits us to celebrate Mass and is available for other priestly duties such as hearing confession
  • A Volunteer Chaplaincy Assistant (term time only)

Although our chaplains each represent their own Christian denomination, all of them work with people of all faiths or none and you are welcome to contact whomever you please.  Please see Chapel Team for more details.

In addition to the Christian chaplains, the University Chaplaincy team includes our Muslim colleague Rukia Bi and is here for university staff and students of all faiths and none.