Student groups

There are lots of Christian groups for students at Keele to choose from:  these are the ones run or supported by the chaplaincy team.  If you want to know about all the faith based groups, they are on the Keele Student Union website.

Student Chapel Fellowship

Meet: Thursdays 7:00pm in the Chapel - gather in the kitchen

The Student Chapel Fellowship is a relaxed place to explore Christian faith, no matter who you are or where you are on your journey. All are welcome! This is an inclusive and progressive group affiliated to the Student Christian Movement.   

Contact: j.parker1@keele.ac.uk

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CathSoc - Keele Catholic Society

Meet: Tuesdays 6:30pm, East Chapel

CathSoc is the Catholic Society at Keele - it is open to everyone who wishes to explore the Catholic faith. They meet on Tuesdays for teaching, discussion, bible study, and socials.

Contact: n.hammond@keele.ac.uk



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Haven (LGBT+ group)

Meet:  Every three weeks on Tuesdays 1-2pm in the Chapel upstairs meeting room or via Teams

Haven is a group supported by the chaplaincy for anyone wanting to explore issues around being both LGBT+ and a person of faith.  We aim to create a safe and affirming space in which to share the journey.

People of all faiths are welcome. 

Contact: s.couvela@keele.ac.uk