
Worship and prayer lie at the heart of everything we do at Keele Chapel.

The Chapel is a Local Ecumenical Partnership (L.E.P.), which means that major Christian denominations are represented and work together.  We work hard to ensure that, whatever your background – Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Anglican, Pentecostal, Quaker, or none of the above! – you will feel at home and find something for you.

On Sundays we usually have two services in the Main Chapel:

  • TEN:15 is (oddly enough!) at 10.15am and is an ecumenical service open to all
  • Catholic Mass follows on at 12.30

During the vacations our services continue, but in the East Chapel rather than the Main Chapel.  If you are around in vacation time, do join us.

In addition, various student Christian groups meet regularly for worship in the chapel and elsewhere. For more details, visit our groups page.

Weekday services (term-time only)

Tues - 6:00pm Roman Catholic Mass
This is usually said at 6.00pm on Tuesdays in term time, in the East Chapel. If Fr John is unavailable on Tuesday there will be a service of Holy Communion Outside of Mass.

Weds - 12:00pm Chaplains' Midday Prayer (East Chapel)
A short prayer service midweek, with words drawn from various Christian traditions, which the Chaplains lead, but to which all are invited.

Get involved!

There are plenty of opportunities to get involved in our worship, in music, drama, reading, leading prayers and more. Speak to a Chaplain to find out more.