How to apply for a permit

First Parking System

The landing screen looks like this:

Parking log in screenshot

After clicking the ‘Sign In or Create new’ you come to the log in or apply screen below:

Parking log in screen 2

There are three options:

  1. Make a NEW application
  2. Login to review your existing account
  3. Resolve a forgotten password

Selecting ‘New application’ brings you here:

New application screen - parking

This stage is the eligibility checker. You will be asked a series of questions to check if you meet the eligibility criteria for the range of permits available.

You will only be able to proceed to the application stage if you are able to indicate you can provide the relevant evidence.

If you fail to meet the criteria, you will get a message to say you’re are not eligible You can repeatedly select Reset to check your eligibility against all permit types.

Once you have established your eligibility and indicated you can evidence your eligibility, only then will you be invited to apply.

Pre-application screen - parking

The first stage of the application process is to set up your Keele:First Parking account

We will only process applications made from a valid Keele email. You choose your own password and are allocated a unique application number straight away.

Register screen - parking

You are now at the Application stage.

You must provide all information and upload the evidence requested for the Parking admin team to assess your application.

You do not need to do this in one session - until you press submit your application is in draft and you can edit it.

Once submitted its status is set to ‘awaiting approval’. Whilst an application is awaiting approval it will be locked to you and you can’t make any further changes.

Applications are NOT assessed until their status is ‘awaiting approval’.

The next stage could be one of 3 scenarios:


You provided all evidence of eligibility.

Your status is changed to Manager Approved – still not valid to park. You still can’t make any changes to the permit details.

Students and non-payroll staff - you’ll be emailed with details of how to make payment.

Once the payment is verified your status will change to Fully Approved - you’ll receive a further email informing you that you may now park on campus.

Once fully approved the permit record is unlocked again so, if you need to change your vehicle details (or make other changes) you may do so.

When you submit any changes the status changes to Applicant Updated and it becomes locked to you. It s not valid to park at this point.

The admin team will assess the changes. They will be in touch by email if more information is needed or will send you an email to confirm status is Fully Approved again.

You are only valid to park when you are at Fully Approved status so when making changes allow 1 working day for the Admin Team to re-approve.

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