Patients and Public Involvement & Engagement (PPIE)

Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) in research is research carried out with or by patients or members of the public rather than to, about or for them. This ensures that research is done with and for everyone.

At Keele Clinical Trials Unit (CTU), we believe that involving patients and the public in the design, delivery, and publication of trials makes our research more relevant, acceptable, and accessible to potential participants. This is an essential part of our work, and helps us to identify the issues most important and relevant to those directly affected by certain conditions and their treatments.

PPIE input has played an important role in the development and successful delivery of studies and trials managed by the CTU.

Anyone can become a member of a PPIE group and can offer valuable feedback on all aspects of how our trials are run; from how our trials are designed to how much the trial asks of participants and whether patient information leaflets, consent forms and questionnaires are easy to understand, to name but a few! If you would like to have your say and make a difference, we are setting up a new patient and public group from Spring 2025. There will be regular informal drop-in sessions held at the new Keele In Town Facility in Newcastle-under-Lyme Town Centre. We want to create a friendly space where you can pop in for a brew and a biscuit, you don’t have to have a medical condition and don’t even need to talk about health research! For more information please contact us via email or look out for more information on our Facebook page (link below).

Keele CTU is continually evolving, with a focus on expanding its community of research partners. Our goal is to advance high-quality, publicly informed research that brings real benefits to patients and communities in Stoke-on-Trent, North Staffordshire, and beyond. We are currently working with a number of local groups including Support Staffordshire, Stoke City Community Trust and Port Vale Foundation Trust to talk to people about health research and what we do at Keele CTU. You can find out more about this on our Facebook page (link below).

You may find some of these resources useful to find out more about Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement in research.   

There are also interesting and informative articles/training courses which are relevant to Patient and Public Involvement but are for a broader audience/designed for researchers: 

Contact us

If you are interested in learning more about health research and what is going on at Keele Clinical Trials Unit, contact us by email.

If you are a patient, family member or carer and are interested in getting involved in PPIE, would like to find out more about being a public contributor, or would like to be added to the distribution list for upcoming PPIE opportunities, please get in touch. 

More information about us and what we do is also available on our social media pages below.