
The digital revolution is affecting most aspects of our work and personal so life so there are many dimensions to it.

We currently focus our efforts on (but are not limited by) the themes depicted below. Building upon a wide range of expertise at Keele, DSI leads the development of cross-cutting themes (vertical in the diagram below) and applies them to several themes linked to the applications of global challenges (horizontal in the diagram below). 


If you would like to get involved with one of these themes, please contact the theme lead(s) listed below (contact details can be found on the Team tab).

Digital health (in collaboration with Keele’s Institute for Global Health and Wellbeing, IGHW): Peter Ogrodnik, Kelvin Jordan (Human digital health) and Joshua Onyango (Animal digital health) 

Digital sustainability (in collaboration with Keele’s Institute for Sustainable Futures, ISF): Raphael Hirschi 

Digital exclusion (in collaboration with Keele’s Institute for Social Inclusion, KISI): Emma Head 

Digital business (in collaboration with Keele’s Business School, KBS): Samir Dani 

Digital campus (in collaboration with Keele’s Information and Digital Services, IDS): Daniel Perry 

Fundamental research: Raphael Hirschi 

Data science methods: Marco Ortolani 

Digital technology and systems: Sandra Woolley 

Law and Ethics: Laura Higson-Bliss and Sandra Woolley 

Psychology and behavioural insights: Sandra Woolley 

Enterprise & Entrepreneurship: Colin Rigby & Emma Bonfiglio 

Digital Education: Aristotle Kalli