Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

Click on the links below to learn more about Keele's Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy and our current Equality Objectives.

Keele University Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2023-2027


The University’s core mission and Strategic Plan is based on harnessing the Keele Difference: a culture of engagement, inclusion and cohesion that allows a progressive view of the world to flourish and gives our colleagues, students and graduates the skills and opportunities to thrive. Our mission is built on a belief in valuing and celebrating the rights, responsibilities, dignity, health and wellbeing of individuals through a living commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion.

We will ensure that we translate our commitment into practice through the implementation of effective actions plans which aim to:

•    Encourage the integration of equity into the structures, behaviours and culture of the University
•    Encourage everyone to take responsibility for equity, diversity and inclusion
•    Mainstream effective use of resources in the delivery of the equity, diversity and inclusion agenda, as part of our long term, sustainable approach.

Within this strategy we have updated the terminology we use to equity, diversity and inclusion from equality, diversity and inclusion.

The term equity accurately captures our approach and commitment within this strategy. Equality seeks to promote fairness but will only work if everyone starts from the same point and needs the same level of support.  At Keele University, we recognise that everyone has different circumstances.  We strive for equal outcomes, and we will provide resources, opportunities and support in an equitable way in order to support members of our community to be successful.

Equality Act (2010) and the public sector equality duty (PSED)

As part of the University’s obligations under the Equality Act (2010) and the PSED, the University is required to demonstrate, in the exercise of its functions, due regard to the need to:

•    Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other acts prohibited by the Equality Act (2010).
•    Advance equality of opportunity between those who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
•    Foster good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.


The PSED requires the publication of Equality Objectives. We have developed four overarching equality objectives which guide our related action plans to support our aim to respect, embed and champion the rights, responsibilities, dignity, health and wellbeing of individuals through a sustained commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion.

Inclusive leadership and decision making at all levels of the organisation

The University will proactively embed equity, diversity and inclusion into all areas of decision making, committee representation and policy review.

Inclusive student experience/student lifecycle

The University will ensure that a high-quality student experience remains at the heart of Keele’s key priorities, to provide a safe, respectful and welcoming environment and experience, supporting the success of all, regardless of personal characteristics or background. 

Accessible and inclusive University

The University will take practical steps to ensure that the University is accessible and inclusive for all.

Inclusive Colleague Experience

The University will take steps to ensure diverse representation across all groups and provide relevant training and support to deliver a positive experience for all colleagues.

Our Strategic Objective is to respect, embed and champion the rights, responsibilities, dignity, health and wellbeing of individuals through a sustained commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion.

Further details of our four overarching equality objectives are listed below. It should be noted that these are underpinned by an EDI action plan, including links to other EDI actions taken as part of our commitments to equality charters and benchmarking exercises. 

  • Embed equity, diversity and inclusion into the University’s decision-making processes.
  • Continue to take action to address under-representation in decision making bodies.
  • Continue to take action to improve and embed the process of conducting equality analysis.
  • Develop and implement mechanisms to support a positive sense of student belonging.   
  • Implement actions within the Access and Participation Plan to address any under-representation/awarding gaps within the student population.
  • Take action to embed inclusivity into the whole academic experience.
  • Provide for inclusion in the structure and organisation of campus facilities and policy frameworks.
  • Continue to improve the existing physical access of campus and its usability, ensuring that access is strongly considered in all new developments and future renovations.
  • Foster an inclusive and supportive atmosphere on campus, including enhancing and supporting a multi faith and interfaith community.
  • Provide the tools to enable individual responsibility for health and safety and avoidance of discrimination, irrespective of work or study location.
  • Enhance diversity and inclusivity through our commitment to and delivery of relevant charter marks and associated action plans
  • Take action to develop a greater understanding of the importance of intersectionality within all our equality work and build into relevant actions.
  • Continue the development and delivery of training opportunities to support an inclusive experience.
  • Develop and launch our first Research culture strategy and action plan to develop a vibrant, inclusive and supportive research culture.

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