
The Act defines race as including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins. Nationality (or citizenship) is the specific legal relationship between a person and a state through birth or naturalisation. It is distinct from national origins.

Everyone has ethnic origins but the provisions of the Act only apply where a person belongs to an 'ethnic group' as defined by the courts. This means that the person must belong to an ethnic group which regards itself and is regarded by others as a distinct and separate community because of certain characteristics. These characteristics usually distinguish the group from the surrounding community.

There are two essential characteristics which an ethnic group must have: a long shared history and a cultural tradition of its own. In addition, an ethnic group may have one or more of the following characteristics: a common language, a common literature, a common religion or a common geographical origin or a sense of being a minority or an oppressed group.

National origins must have identifiable elements, both historic and geographic, which at least at some point in time indicates the existence or previous existence of a nation. For example, as England and Scotland were once separate nations, the English and the Scots have separate national origins. National origins may include origins in a nation that no longer exists (for example, Czechoslovakia) or in a nation that was never a nation state in the modern sense. National origin is distinct from nationality. For example, people of Chinese national origins may be citizens of China but many are citizens of other countries. A person’s own national origin is not something that can be changed, though it can change through the generations.

University Activity

Never OK campaign

Find out more about racism as a key strand of our #NeverOK campaign to end all forms of violence and discriminatory behaviour.

Staff equality networks

The University aims to provide a safe and supportive forum for Global Ethnic Majority staff to come together to share ideas and support the development of University activity around race equality. To find out how you can become a member or for further information visit the Keele Staff Equality Network pages.

Disability confident

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