Age is defined in the Act by reference to a persons age group. In relation to age, when the Act refers to people who share a protected characteristic, it means that they are in the same age group. An age group can mean people of the same age or people of a range of ages. Age groups can be wide (for example, „people under 50?; „under 18s?). They can also be quite narrow (for example, "people in their mid-40s"; "people born in 1952"). Age groups may also be relative (for example, "older than me" or "older than us").
From the 1 October 2012 it became unlawful to discriminate because of age unless the practice is covered by an exception or good reason can be shown for differential treatment, i.e. ‘objective justification’ or there is an exception as follows;
- age-related holidays
- age based concessions
- age verification
- clubs and associations concessions
- financial services
- immigration
- residential park homes
- sport
Keele Communities Together
Led by our staff and students Keele Unity aims to bring people together through a series of events with a common aim of promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion, throughout the Keele community. For further information on the latest events visit the Keele Communities Together web pages.