How do I apply for a Tuition Fee Loan to cover the cost of my fees?
If you are a UK or EU student then you should be able to apply for a Tuition Fee Loan. There are also Maintenance Loans and Grants available for UK students studying on a Full Time basis. For more information on how to apply please refer to
Please note that you need to apply for student finance each year, and you do not need to wait for a confirmed place at Keele University to apply.
How will I be informed about what Fees are payable to the University?
You will receive an invoice shortly after you start your course, which will detail the amounts and the due dates for payment. You will receive separate invoices for Tuition and (if living in University accommodation) Residence Fees. Invoices are normally sent electronically to your Keele email address. You can also view the amounts due for payment through your eVision account.
What is eVision?
eVision is an online portal for all Keele students. Each student has secure access via a username and password to the portal which holds your personal details, records your academic progress and allows you to manage your student finances online. Access to the eVision portal is available by clicking on the following link https://scims.keele.ac.uk/urd/sits.urd/run/siw_lgn
Can I pay my fees in instalments?
- Tuition Fees are payable in 2 equal instalments. The 1st instalment is due shortly after the start of your course and the 2nd instalment is due approximately 4 months later.
- Residence Fees are payable in 3 instalments, generally at the start of each term in September, January and May of each academic year. The instalments are allocated on a 40% / 40% / 20% basis, to reflect the length of occupancy during each term.
- For students studying for one Semester, or where the fee payable is less than £500, no instalment plan will be available.
- The exact dates and amounts of each instalment will be listed on your invoice or displayed on your eVision account
How can I pay my fees?
For full details of how to make your payment please refer to our website at http://www.keele.ac.uk/payments
How can I check my account balance?
The easiest way is to login to your eVision account and check your balance online. This will allow you to see both your outstanding balance and a full transaction history of your account. Alternatively you can contact the Income Office who will be able to give you full details of your account balance.
What happens if I do not pay my fees?
Reminder notices will be issued by the Income Office asking you to make payment. You may be charged a late fee if payment is not made by the due date. Failure to pay your Tuition fees will result in your withdrawal from University. Failure to pay your Residence Fees will ultimately lead to you being required to vacate your accommodation. Please note that you will not be allowed to graduate with outstanding Tuition or Residence fee debts. If you have a genuine problem with paying your fees on time then please contact the Income Office to discuss the situation.
I have received a reminder notice from the Income Office which I do not agree with or wish to query?
If you have received a reminder notice and you believe there is a problem – please do not ignore it. Please contact the Income Office as a matter of urgency so that we can try and resolve the problem. Full contact details for the Income Office are provided at the following link http://www.keele.ac.uk/finance/income/paymentmethods/
I have applied for a Tuition Fee Loan, but have still received an Invoice asking me to pay?
You should not normally receive an invoice for your Tuition fees if you have applied for a Tuition Fee Loan. Please contact the Income Office if you receive an invoice. Normally, when your Tuition Fee Loan is approved, the Student Loans Company will notify the University automatically. At this point we will amend your record to note that your fees are being paid by a Student Loan, and an invoice will not be issued to you asking you to pay. However this can sometimes take several weeks, particularly at the start of term, so we may send you an invoice before your loan application is processed.
What is the advance accommodation payment for?
If you have applied to stay in University accommodation you will have been asked to pay an advance of £450. This consists of 2 elements –
- A £150 room deposit, which is refundable at the end of your contract.
- A £300 advance to secure your room.
I have made my advance accommodation payment and want to know what the outstanding balance of accommodation fees will be
When you move into your accommodation you will be notified of your total accommodation charge for the year, this charge will be split into 3 instalments. Your advance payment of £300 will be deducted from your 1st instalment.
For example –
- Your room charge is £2,557 for the full year
- This will be split into 3 instalments of £1,023 payable in September, £1,023 payable in January, and £511 payable in May
- As you have already paid an advance of £300 you will only need to pay the balance of the 1st instalment in September of £723 (being £1,023 less £300).
If you check your balance online using eVision this will be clearly displayed on your account.
Why should I use eVision to manage my student fee account?
Using eVision allows you greater flexibility to manage your student account. You can access your online statement, or make a payment at a time that suits you and avoid the queues that often occur at busy times at the Income Office. The system is easy to use, with online instructions available, and making a payment should take no more than a couple of minutes. You will receive a confirmation email as proof of your payment.
Someone else is paying my fees – what should I do?
If your fees are being paid by a sponsoring organisation, we will require written (or email) confirmation directly from your sponsor. We will then arrange to send an invoice for your fees to that sponsor.
If your parent, or a third party, is making payment please ensure that they have the relevant details – they will need to know
- Your Keele student number
- The balance payable
- Whether the payment is for Tuition, Accommodation, or something else.
We cannot discuss details of your account with them without your permission. Please also note that the online payment facility is not currently available to parents or third parties.
Why can’t my parents or a third party be informed about details on my student account?
This is because of Data Protection laws. The information held about you is of a personal nature and we are not allowed to divulge information about you without your knowledge. This can be a source of frustration for many parents, particularly when they are the ones paying for your fees, but this is designed to protect your right to privacy. We are happy to discuss your details with a third party once you have given your permission.
I have made a payment, how can I check you have received it?
- If you pay in person at the Income Office counter you will be issued with a receipt, unless you pay by cheque (we regret that we cannot issue receipts for cheque payments until they have cleared the bank).
- If you pay online you will receive email confirmation of your payment.
- If you pay over the telephone we can issue a receipt in the post for you upon request.
- If you wish to confirm a payment has been received by us please check your account online using your eVision login. Alternatively you can contact the Income Office who will be able to confirm the details for you.
What happens if I leave part way through my course?
If you withdraw from study for any reason you will normally pay fees up until the point at which you withdraw. If you leave within the first 4 weeks of starting your course then you will not pay any Tuition Fees.
Accommodation fees will be normally be payable up until the point of vacating your room, though this is at the discretion of the Student Accommodation Office.
How do I request a refund?
If you are expecting a refund of your room deposit then you do not need to make a formal request. This will normally be done automatically by BACS for UK bank account holders, providing you have supplied us with your bank details. Supplying your bank detail is easy and is best done using eVision.
If your bank is outside the UK then you will need to contact the Income Office direct, as refunds by BACS cannot be made outside the UK banking system.
For refunds of Tuition or Accommodation Fees please contact the Income Office by email to request a refund.
Please note that refunds will only be made after any outstanding debts have been deducted (if applicable).
If you have not been able to find an answer to your question here then please feel free to contact the Income Office directly:
Telephone: 01782 733052
Email: finance.income@keele.ac.uk