

Amy is from Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire. She completed her BSc from Manchester Metropolitan university in the UK. She then pursued her master’s degree at Keele University in Scientific Research training. Where she spent a year working at the Ronzonni Institute, Milan, Italy. On the physical and chemical characterization of low molecular weight Heparins, under the supervision of Dr Mark Skidmore. After 5 years working across the pharmaceutical and oil industries, before undertaking her PhD with Professor Nicholas Forsyth at Keele University, on Tendon derived extra cellular vesicles and their immunomodulatory ability. After completing her PhD in December 2022, she joined as a PDRA from Jan 2023, working with Professor Jeremey Turnbull on engineering tunable stem cell niches enhanced with glycosaminoglycan instructive cues towards next generation biomaterials for regenerative medicine, alongside Professor Divya Chari and Dr Oksanna Keohe.