Professor Joanne Protheroe

Professor Joanne Protheroe

Professor Jo Protheroe has been a practising General Practitioner for over 25 years and has worked in various academic and research capacities, before joining Keele University in 2011. 

She was appointed as Professor of General Practice in Keele Medical School in 2017, where she is Director of General Practice Education and is the Director of Integrated Clinical Academic Training for Keele.

As Director of General Practice Education, she leads the multidisciplinary team responsible for delivery of the GP content of the curriculum, including over 19 weeks of GP Placement activity over 5 years. As Director of Clinical Academic Training, she oversees a programme of NIHR funded research training for doctors in training in multiple specialties.

She is a national expert in the field of Health Literacy and continues to practise as a GP, a role which fuels her research in health literacy and patient participation in their health, especially those in disadvantaged groups.


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