Other roles & opportunities for GP tutors at Keele

There are several other roles our GP tutors can take on if they wish whilst working with us at Keele. Some examples are listed below.

Professional Development Tutor (PDT)

PDT’s are clinicians who supervise a small number of medical students and follow their progress from Year 2 to Year 5. Tutors meet with students a minimum of twice a year and provide personal and professional support, as well as guidance on professional development. They also appraise students with aid of an ePortfolio in their second meeting of the year.

This is part of the School’s strategy to develop reflective practitioners and provide support for all students, and is an opportunity for students to have a one-to-one relationship with a professional throughout their course. This role is valued by students, the School, the University and the GMC.

OSCE examiner

GP’s are well placed to examine students across a variety of components in their OSCE’s. Examiners are provided with training by the Medical School and are invited to meet with the team to review cases they will be assessing ahead of the date(s) they examine on.

Session Tutor

We run a number of tutorials and cluster-based sessions for medical students across the scope of their training and are always on the look out for tutors who may wish to become involved in delivering/facilitating these. Examples include our Year 1 Lifestyle Hubs, Year 3 clusters, Year 4 “Developing Consultation Skills” clusters, and our new Year 5 clusters.

Admissions (interviewing/personal statements)

There is also the opportunity to become involved with the admissions process for students looking to be admitted onto the undergraduate medical training programme at Keele. This could be at the pre-interview stage through marking personal statements, and/or being part of the interview panel undertaking a “multiple mini interview” for prospective medical students.

Widening Participation in Medicine Programme

Keele University is part of a collaboration with several other medical schools which provides an opportunity for school leavers from particular under-represented backgrounds to improve their chances of gaining a place at medical school. As part of this students spend a day visiting a GP surgery to learn more about working in primary care, and there is opportunity for practices to become involved in hosting students as part of this programme. For further information please see: https://www.keele.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/undergraduatecourses/medicine/medicinewideningparticipation/.

Teach the Teachers

This course is designed for clinicians who teach Keele University Medical, Paramedical and PA students, and involves a series of tutorials, interactive exercises, workshops, and practical sessions designed to improve teaching skills and confidence. 

Students from other disciplines

There is also the opportunity to become involved in teaching Paramedical and Physician Associate students in GP practices. This is something that students find both enjoyable and beneficial.

If you are interested in any of the above roles, please contact us for more information.