Other definitions by research paper

Inflammatory Arthritis. (Scott et.al Establishing the Epidemiology of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, and Axial Spondyloarthritis in England using Primary Care Electronic Health Record Data: A Descriptive Observational Study)

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Cardiovascular conditions, NSAIDs (Chen et al. Trends in prescribing of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs…, 2018)

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Acute coronary syndrome, bleeding, comorbidities (Ismail et al, Bleeding after hospital discharge…, 2019)

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Acute coronary syndrome drugs (Ismail et al, Bleeding after hospital discharge…, 2019)

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PCI and coronary angiography OPCS codes (Ismail et al, Bleeding after hospital discharge…, 2019)

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Breathlessness, asthma, COPD, IHD, asthma/COPD medications (Chen et al, Prognostic value of first-recorded breathlessness…, 2020)

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Chest pain: unattributed, non-coronary, angina (Jordan et al, Prognosis of undiagnosed chest pain…, 2017)

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Dementia and markers of progression (Campbell et al, Markers of dementia-related health…, 2020)

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Dementia and markers of progression (Rathod-Mistry et al, Indicators of dementia disease progression…, 2020)

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Diabetes (Barnett et al, Does metformin protect against osteoarthritis?..., 2017)

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Reproductive dysfunction (Richardson et al, Increased risk of reproductive dysfunction…, 2018)

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Chest pain: unattributed, non-coronary, angina (Jordan et al, Long-term cardiovascular risk and management of patients recorded in primary care with unattributed chest pain...,2021)

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