Research aims
Our major clinical research aims include:
- Determining the occurrence, burden, and management of symptoms and morbidity including trends over time;
- Prognosis research to describe and predict the most likely future outcome or course of health conditions;
- Identifying factors predicting benefit or harm from specific interventions.
The (applied) methodological aims include:
- Deriving robust and valid phenotypes, exposures/prognostic factors, and outcomes in EHR;
- Designing optimal methods to investigate burden (incidence, prevalence, impact) of health conditions over time;
- Investigating short and long-term trajectories of symptoms and health conditions, and how these can be used in the monitoring of chronic conditions and/or to predict long-term outcomes;
- Studying real world outcomes of multi-morbid patient groups often not recruited into clinical trials;
- Investigating the use of prognostic information based on healthcare data (including incorporating brief additional ‘live’ data) in the consultation to monitor risk over time and support clinical decision making;
Investigating the benefits and harms of treatments, optimising methods to adjust for confounding and handling missing data.