Aims and terms of reference

The primary aim of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences’ User and Carer Liaison Group is to maximise user and carer involvement in University business (education, scholarship and research), through providing regular forums for communication, discussion and healthy debate and to deliberately share any outcomes across the Faculty and its staff.

Thus the Group will be a conduit to collate and disseminate existing and new good practice, and will proactively support user and carer initiatives by:

  • acting as a conduit between service user forums and the wider Faculty
  • ensuring parity of support, reward and recognition mechanisms;
  • developing good practice guidelines
  • coordinating and centralising all user and carer activities across the Faculty
  • facilitating the dissemination of good practice through research and education
  • providing appropriate representation and reports to Faculty bodies
  • celebrating achievements
  • proactively seeking funding to develop the work and manage accordingly.