Mike is a graduate in accountancy and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Prior to premature retirement owing to severe ill-health, he was a Group Company Financial Director for some years. He worked solely in industry, having experience in airframe manufacturing, a large range of different packaging products, fine ceramics and finally in engineering. During his career, alongside his financial and secretarial responsibilities Mike also held portfolios in marketing, human resource management, industrial relations, health and safety and risk management. Whilst working within a multi-national corporation there was an active role in training prospective accountants, including lecturing on relevant topics.
Currently Chairman of the Community Health Voice, an independent patient involvement group working mainly in Stoke-on-Trent but active across Staffordshire, which Mike helped to found, he is occupied as a patient and community representative. The Group’s objectives include participation as a "patient voice" over a range of committees and activities within the local NHS , social care and associated bodies, such as Keele University, Faculty of Health.
Mike sits on a range of committees within the local commissioning, hospital and community health service provider which draw on his experience gained during his career and his contact with a network of patient views. Complementing these activities, he has also helped steer various research projects and developments to facilitate a “patient voice” and volunteer participation in a number of areas including academia.
In all his activities, Mike is able to supply a strong, independent view as a volunteer and patient.