A tool designed by Keele researchers to improve care for patients with low back pain has been estimated to have generated more than £226 for every £1 spent on implementing it.

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Working together with patients, Keele's Impact Accelerator Unit and Clinical Trials Unit, researchers from the School of Medicine have produced a new information film to help patients with arthritis access support and services to improve their treatment. 

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Researchers from Keele University have found that analgesic medicines - commonly known as “painkillers” - are widely prescribed to people with inflammatory arthritis across England despite little research evidence that they improve pain for these patients.

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Professor Melanie Holden from the Centre for Musculoskeletal Health Research won the Open Research Staff Award

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The reclassification of two prescription drugs as class C controlled substances, following concerns about people misusing and becoming addicted to them, had a ‘limited’ immediate impact according to a new study.

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The first research showcase of the Centre for Musculoskeletal Health Research was held on Thursday 2nd February.

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