Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Research
"Our Faculty has an established track record of research that improves the health and wealth of the population regionally, nationally and internationally. We have strengths in areas such as primary care research, musculoskeletal pain and arthritis, mental health, cardiovascular disease, long term conditions and methodological research. We host a Clinical Trials Unit and an Impact Acceleration Unit. Working in partnership with the NHS, social care, other regional universities, local government, research funders, patients and the public - we enable and deliver world-leading health and social care research that improves people's health and wellbeing. We also conduct applied health research in low and middle resource countries, and fundamental science research that discovers new mechanisms for further study. Our research training, including an MRes in Health and Care launched in 2024, develops our future research leaders. We follow the National Institute for Health and Care Research principles of good practice in research inclusion. “We are committed to equality, diversity, and inclusion in everything we do. Diverse people and communities shape our research, and we strive to make opportunities to participate in research an integral part of everyone's experience of health and social care services. We develop researchers from multiple disciplines, specialisms, geographies and backgrounds, and work to address barriers to career progression arising from characteristics such as sex, race or disability.” NIHR 2024"
Faculty research themes (FReTs)
Request access to existing data
The School of Medicine has an established virtual committee, the Data Custodian and Academic Proposals (DCAP) Committee, to process external requests for data from School projects. To request data from a specific study, please firstly contact the Principal or Chief Investigator and/or the Data custodian of the study to discuss your request and then complete the External request form (downloadable below) and associated documents detailed in the external request form. Send the completed forms to the DCAP registrar (medicine.datasharing@keele.ac.uk). The registrar will then share the request to selected members of the DCAP committee to review the following considerations:
- the ethics and other approvals and consent agreements in place for project(s) concerned,
- feasibility of analysis proposed,
- potential duplication of research question(s) or analysis within the School,
- strength and appropriateness of team,
- how data will be stored,
- dissemination plan
Comments and concerns will be shared with the requestor. If approved the data will be released by the study data custodian following correspondence with requestor.
Should an amendment be required for the original request please complete an amendment form and send to the DCAP registrar for consideration.
WI15 Sharing encrypted data via email (non-identifiable data only)
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FOR08 Data request amendment form
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FOR06 External data request form
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External data request process
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