About us

The Health Library supports staff and students throughout North Staffordshire, whether you are Keele academic, Keele student, NHS staff working in North Staffordshire, student on placement with an NHS organisation in North Staffordshire or working in partnership within the NHS in North Staffordshire.

We provide a range of services for you including:

  • Access to a wide range of material including books, journals and DVDs
  • Administration of NHS Athens accounts
  • Electronic resources such as databases, ejournals and ebooks
  • Support from qualified staff to help you to make the most of our resources
  • An Inter-Library Loan service to obtain unsubscribed resources
  • Assistance from a clinical / outreach librarian service
  • Support for patient care, evidence-based practice and continuing professional development

Who are we?

We are the Health Library for North Staffordshire. We are a joint NHS / HE library serving healthcare staff and students at our NHS partners and Keele University. You can learn more about our services and facilities from our short video.

Visiting the Health Library

Before you visit make sure that you check our opening times. During weekends and after 5:30pm on a weekday you will need your library card to enter the building. Keele students and members of staff are automatically members of the library, however NHS staff will need to join by completing an application form.

Borrowing items

You can find all items within the library listed on the library catalogue Library Search. Using the catalogue will help you to locate what you are looking for within the library. All members need to adhere to their borrowing rules

Accessing online resources

The Health Library, Keele University and our NHS partners subscribe to a wide range online resources. The resources available to you will depend on your status with the various organisations. Pages have been created to provide you with the most relevant resources according to your study or work. These include a nursing and midwifery page and medicine page for Keele students and Healthcare Resources for NHS staff.

In order to access online resources you will need to login details. For Keele students and staff this is your Keele computer login details. NHS users will need to register for an NHS openathens username / password.

IT facilities

There are a range of IT facilities available at the Health Library, including PCs (both Keele and NHS networks), printers, photocopiers and a scanner. 

Training and learning

We provide you with a variety of training opportunities to help you to get to grips with library resources and develop your information skills. These include training courses, online etutorials and online guides. 

More help

If you require any more help you can search this website or get in touch with us at the Health Library.

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