Nursing and Midwifery resources
LIBRARY SEARCH To search for all your online and print resources with Library Search, just enter a title, author or keywords.
Primary resources
The authors of the articles are reporting on a piece of research that they have conducted.
AgeLine - EBSCO
A database of social gerontology literature. No full text. For access, please login with your Keele username and password. AgeLine video tutorials.
AMED (Allied & Complementary Medicine Database) - EBSCO
Database of references to journal articles in alternative/complementary medicine and therapies. For access, please login with your Keele username and password.
CINAHL Plus with Full Text - EBSCO
Database of references to journal articles in nursing and allied healthcare professions. For access, please login with your Keele username and password.
Maternity & Infant Care Database (MIDIRS) - Ovid
MIDIRS assists the maternity health care professional through articles and updates on current midwifery, medical and social research.
Contains millions of references for articles in many current biomedical journals. For access, please login with your Keele username and password.
Find references for journal articles, book chapters and dissertations in the field of psychology, psychiatry, behavioural science & mental health. For access, please login with your Keele username and password.
Web of Science - Clarivate
Includes the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Conference Proceedings, access to Journal Citation Reports and Book Citation Index. For access, if you're not automatically logged in select 'Institutional sign in', search for 'UK Federation' and 'Go to institution'. Search for 'Keele University' and log in with your Keele username and password. Registration for a Web of Science profile may be required the first time you access this resource - please only register using your Keele email address as accounts registered with personal email addresses will be removed. Web of Science support page
Secondary resources
The authors of the articles have gathered and analysed the reports of several pieces of research to produce a summary of the evidence on a topic.
Cochrane Library
Database of systematic reviews, clinical trials and other evidence-based material. Cochrane Library training hub.
Joanna Briggs Institute EBP database
Database of evidence-based nursing literature.
Social Sciences Databases
ASSIA (Applied Social Science Index & Abstracts) - Proquest
General health information; particularly suitable for health psychology / health sociology topics. For access, please login with your Keele username and password.
Social Services Abstracts - ProQuest
Focuses on social work, human services and related areas including social welfare, social policy and community development. For access, please login with your Keele username and password.
Sociological Abstracts - ProQuest
Covers international literature of sociology, social work and related disciplines. For access, please login with your Keele username and password.
Education Databases
British Education Index (BEI) - EBSCO
References relating to research, policy and practice in education and training in the UK. For access, please login with your Keele username and password.
ERIC (Educational Resources Information Centre) - ProQuest
This database is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education to provide extensive access to education-related literature. For access, please login with your Keele username and password.
Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy
Features nearly 330 videos of real human anatomic specimens in their natural colour. For access, select 'UK Access Management Federation' then 'Keele University' and login with your Keele username and password. Acland Anatomy user guide.
Childbirth Connection
Evidence-based Healthcare resources for Health Professionals.
An on-demand streaming video platform for public and academic libraries that offers films, TV shows and documentaries. For access, log in with your Keele username and password. Kanopy help page. Kanopy's Nursing Collection. Kanopy's Midwifery Collection.
Contains comprehensive information to help people manage their health and care online.
Sports Medicine & Education Index - Proquest
References for all aspects of health, fitness and physical education. For access, please login with your Keele username and password.
Spotting the Sick Child
Interactive tool commissioned by the Department of Health and Health Education England to support health professionals in the assessment of the acutely sick child.
Clinical Search Tool providing access to high quality clinical evidence.
Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository
A global digital service that collects, preserves and shares nursing research and evidence-based practice materials.
NHS online resources
If your course features clinical work in the NHS, you are also eligible to access the NHS core national content collection. This includes a range of healthcare databases such as EMBASE, electronic journals and BMJ Best Practice and the discovery service Knowledge and Library Hub (which replaces Healthcare Databases Advance Search- HDAS). (Please note - you will need to access these resources using an incognito window)
You will need an HEI NHS OpenAthens account to access these resources. Request this from:
Log in to the platform you need using your HEI NHS OpenAthens account (e.g. OVID for EMBASE), then select the database to start searching. When prompted for an Institution, select NHS in England.
e-Learning for Healthcare (eLfH)
Healthcare students may be asked to complete online training via the e-Learning for Healthcare hub. For access to e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH), please register for an account with your Keele email address.
Use Library Search to search for both print and ebooks for your studies.
BNF and BNF for Children mobile app
Evidence-based medicines information app for iOS or Android. For access, download the BNF Publications app on your iOS or Android device. Select 'Register/ Log in', the first time you access the app, you will need to 'create an account', and you must register for an account using your Keele email address. All current Keele staff and students can use this app under our MedicinesComplete licence. Please note, the NICE BNF website licence does not permit educational use. BNF + BNFC App Video Library
Medicines Complete - Royal Pharmaceutical Press
Includes current editions of: ASHP Injectable Drugs Information; BNF; BNF for Children; Clarke's Analysis of Drugs & Poisons; Clinical Calculators; Critical Illness; Dale and Appelbe's Pharmcy and Medicines Law; Drug Monitoring Checker; Drug Compatibility Checker; Handbook of Drug Administration via Enteral Feeding Tubes; Herbal Medicines; Injectable Drugs Guide; Martindale’s ADR Checker; Martindale’s: The Complete Drug Reference; Palliative Care Formulary; Pharmaceutical Expedients; Stockley’s Drug Interactions; & Stockley’s Interaction Checker.
For access, if you are not automatically logged in please select 'Login', then 'Login via Shibboleth/Open Athens' and search for 'University of Keele'. Log in with your Keele username and password. MedicinesComplete user guides
All available journals both print and electronic, and including those at the Health Library, are listed on Library Search.
Use Library Search to find print or ejournals by title (e.g. The Lancet) or to find a particular article from a journal.
To find relevant articles on a topic, search the appropriate databases. See sections below for information on databases.
Training and tools
Training at the Health Library
Training for Keele University Staff and Students
Information Skills eTutorials
Further develop your information skills to support evidence-based practice, CPD, revalidation and patient care
A list of mobile-friendly resources that you might find useful is available - Mobile Essentials for Keele
Information Literacy Support
We're here to help you to develop your information literacy skills. Learn how to identify, find, evaluate and manage information to:
- succeed on your course
- practise evidence-based healthcare
If you need help using any Library Resources, or have questions you’d like to ask you can always contact us:
If you’d like more in-depth help on using resources, want advice on how to search effectively, or want to further develop your information or digital literacy skills you can contact a member of the Health Library Training and Information Support Team and ask for an appointment:
You can also come along to our training sessions held at Keele Campus Library. Our ‘…In a Nutshell’ training sessions introduce key academic skills in bitesize, 45 minute, practical sessions.
There are also guides and tutorials linked below that should help you get started:
- Try our new online tutorial and learn how to use Library Search effectively
- How to get help using our major resources via online guides
- Reference management
If you’re a PhD student or researcher at Keele you can access help and support from our Research Support Librarians. Find out more on the Research Support webpage.
More from the Health Library
You can get more support from the Health Library. We are a healthcare specialist library, supporting health faculty staff and students as well as NHS staff working in local Trusts. Come along and visit us:
Conveniently located in the Clinical Education Centre (CEC) at the Royal Stoke University Hospital site
Find out what’s available at the Health Library by taking our photo-tour
Browse our book collections and pick up and drop off books
Study in quiet, comfortable study areas
Access Keele IT networked computers
Complete our healthcare focused online tutorials to develop your information skills and prepare for your literature searching
Book 1-to-1 training session with our experienced, qualified librarians to prepare for your assignments
Check our online induction for Keele students to make sure you make the most of your Health Library.