Elderly Care
AgeInfo - resources for gerontologists
BMJ Specialty: Geriatric Medicine
Cochrane Dementia and Cognitive Improvement Group / Cochrane Stroke Group
Joseph Rowntree Foundation Publications - including reports focusing on older people
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) - includes collections of resources for older people and dementia
The Silver Book - "a set of quality standards for the emergency care of older people"
Alzheimer’s Society
British Geriatrics Society - professional association of doctors practising geriatric medicine, old age psychiatrists, general practitioners, nurses, therapists, scientists and others with a particular interest in the medical care of older people and in promoting better health in old age
British Society of Gerontology
British Society for Research on Ageing
Centre for Policy on Aging
Centre for Social Gerontology (Keele University)
Institute of Gerontology
UK Age Research Forum
Try searching for subjects:
- Aged - Care
- Aged - Health and hygiene
- Geriatric nursing
- Geriatric psychiatry
- Geriatrics
- Older People