Online guides and support
Here you will find an array of support material to help you get to grips with our resources including help pages, online tutorials and printable guides.
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- Apps - find out more about healthcare databases available as apps
- Articles - learn more about finding articles and accessing full-text
- Athens - get help managing your NHS OpenAthens account
- BMJ Best Practice - learn how to use this essential NHS resource
- BMJ Case Reports - get instructions for submitting your own case report
- BNF and BNFc - find out how to access this key drugs reference text
- Books - learn how to make the most of our book collection
- Clinical Key - get guides to using this comprehensive NHS resource
- Cochrane Library - link to tutorials to learn more about systematic reviews
- Copyright - links to copyright licences
- Critical appraisal - learn more about critical appraisal and the tools to help you
- Current awareness - get to grips with current awareness and stay up-to-date
- Databases - links to our database help pages
- Databases for Keele - guides to using Keele subscribed databases, including Cinahl, Medline and PsychInfo
- Databases for NHS - guides to using NHS subscribed databases, including databases from Ebsco, Ovid and Proquest
- Databases (general) - help for databases freely available
- EBooks - learn how to make the most of ebooks
- EJournals - learn how to find journals and full-text articles
- Evidence-based practice - access tools to learn more about evidence-based practice
- Internet searching - get hints and tips to improve your searching on the internet
- Joanna Briggs Institute - guide to searching on the JBI database
- Journals - learn how to find journals and full-text articles
- Keele off-campus access - get help logging in to Keele resources
- Knowledge and Library Hub - guides to help you to use this essential NHS resource
- KnowledgeShare - sign-up to get your KnowledgeShare Evidence Updates
- Kortext eBooks - instructions to log in to this ebook platform for NHS users
- Library Search - make the most of library collections by learning how to use Library Search
- Literature searching - guides and tutorials to help you to complete your literature search
- Medicines Complete - short guides to using Medicines Complete
- OpenAthens - get help managing your NHS OpenAthens account
- OrthoEvidence - learn more about this specialist resource
- Referencing - find out how important referencing is and learn about the tools to help you
- RefWorks (Keele) - more help on using RefWorks
- Royal Marsden Online - start using this essential resource for NHS nurses
- TRIP - get help on using this good quality, freely available database