BMJ Case Reports

BMJ Case Reports is available to NHS OpenAthens users at the University Hospitals of North Midlands (UHNM). Whilst you can access the full-text for case reports (using your NHS OpenAthens username) you can also submit your own cases; follow the instructions in the guidance for authors.

BMJ Case Reports Introduction (353KB) - here's a basic introduction to BMJ Case Reports from the Health Library

Submitting a case report - To submit a case report you will need to register as an author and then submit your report using a fellowship code linked to your NHS organisation. When you do this you need to ensure that the organisation you register with your author details is the same as the organisation of the fellowship code you will be using. In our case use organisation "University Hospitals of North Midlands". Note that if you have previously registered with another NHS organisation, you will need to update your author details to match the new organisation whose fellowship code you will be using. Be aware that our subscription does not include fees for open access publication. If prompted please select the non open access option.

BMJ Case Reports Instructions for Authors - submission templates and suggested word counts are available here, also advice on the type of cases the BMJ are looking for and how to submit. Please note that when you register as an author, the organisation that you register must match the organisation owning the fellowship code.

Contact the e-Resources librarian for the institution fellowship code.

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