Knowledge and Library Hub

The NHS Knowledge and Library hub allows you to search across a wide range of NHS and healthcare based resources to find the evidence you need.

Online guides

Knowledge and Library Hub guide (298kb) - leaflet from HEE introducing the Knowledge and Library Hub

NHS Knowledge and Library Hub introduction (PDF, 577KB) - Health Library leaflet giving you an overview of the main search and results pages

Log in to the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub: step-by-step instructions

Set up a desktop icon for your NHS Knowledge and Library Hub - for easy access to the Hub set an icon on your desktop

What resources are searched through the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub? - list of resurces included in the Hub

Fnding ebooks on the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub: step-by-step instructions

Install the Ebsco App - this app gives you a simplified version of the Hub, includes easy access to full-text

Introduction to the NHS K&L Hub (from NHSE) (1291KB) - presentation from NHS England


Find Full-text Articles and Journals for the NHS - presentation, including video demos, of how to use the Hub to find full-text articles


NHS Knowledge and Library Hub user tutorial - video showing you the basic functionality you can use in the Hub to complete your search

Log in to the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub

Finding ebooks on the NHS knowledge and Library Hub

YouTube playlist of Health Library videos about the Hub