Frequently asked questions
About the HEAR
What is a HEAR?
The Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) provides Keele undergraduates with a single record of their academic and other achievements during their time at University. A final version of the document is issued with your certificate at the end of your studies.
• is an official, electronic University-verified document
• includes both academic and co-curricular activities and achievements
• can be shared securely with employers, employment agencies and other Universities
• maximises your employability.
Keele is working in partnership with Gradintelligence (an external partner) to produce the HEAR and at Keele, HEARs are issued to all undergraduate degree students, currently excluding students studying a Medical degree.
At Keele, HEARs are issued to all undergraduate degree students studying at Keele and graduating from July 2014 onwards, currently excluding students studying a Medical degree.
When will my HEAR be available?
During your first year of study, you will be sent a registration email from Gradintelligence. Once you have activated your registration, you will be able to view your HEAR.
Whilst you are studying at Keele, your HEAR will be a formative (interim) document which will be refreshed three times each academic year, as follows:
- Late February - to include the results from semester one modules
- Late July - to include the results from semester two modules and any reassessment of semester one modules
- Late October - to include the results from any reassessment of semester two modules.
When refreshed, any new HEAR-recordable co-curricular activities you have undertaken will also show on your HEAR. Once your final award has been agreed, your HEAR will be updated to a final document.
What will be in my HEAR?
The HEAR is made up of 8 sections:
- Personal Information
- Qaulification Information
- Qualification Level
- Module Breakdown (splits into mode of study, programme requirements, mark and module breakdown, Keele grading scheme and overall classification)
- Professional Status (if applicable)
- Additional Information (this includes 6.1 and the co-curricular activities outlined on the HEAR recordable activities page.
- Certification of the HEAR
- Information on the national higher education system
What are the benefits of a HEAR?
It is an excellent way for you to articulate the skills obtained throughout your studies to other people, including employers, and helps you to understand the skills you have obtained in undertaking co-curricular activities
Employers will be interested to receive a verified list of activities that you have undertaken at University and will use these to identify your suitability for their roles
A HEAR will help to form the basis of your CV, providing you with the language required to articulate your competencies and abilities.
What else can I use the Gradintelligence website for?
One of the features of the Gradintelligence website, in addition to issuing your HEAR, is to allow you to be discovered by Graduate employers. For more information contact the Careers and Employability Team or visit http://www.keele.ac.uk/careers/findingwork/
Accessing your HEAR
How do I access my HEAR?
You need to register with Gradintelligence using the link provided on your registration email. During this process you will be invited to create your username and password. Once registered you will be prompted to update your contact email to your personal email account rather than your Keele email account.
Once you have registered with Gradintelligence and logged onto the website you can access your HEAR by clicking on the University Services option on the left hand menu, selecting the My HEAR tab and then clicking View my HEAR. This is also where you will be able to view your achievements and information from the Careers and Employability Team at Keele.
Please click on the presentation below for screenshots on how to access your HEAR: How do I access my HEAR?
I have forgotten my username/password
Please use Gradintelligence’s Lost account details recovery service. If you still have problems please contact customerservices@gradintel.com.
Other students have been notified that their HEAR is available - why haven't I received an email?
Eligible students will receive a registration email during their first year of study at Keele. If you have not received a Gradintelligence registration email by the end of semester 2 please contact us at hear@keele.ac.uk
How do I share my HEAR with an employer or another University?
When logged into Gradintelligence you can share your HEAR with employers or another University by sending them an electronic token which enables them to view your HEAR.
This can be done by clicking on the Share icon, which appears on both the homepage and within the University Services menu. Please see the details in Sharing your HEAR on how to do this.
Is a printed copy of my HEAR the same as a transcript?
Only the electronic version of your HEAR is officially verified. Your employer may, however, choose to print or save a copy for their records.
Please note, if you are in receipt of a HEAR, the University are unlikely to be able to provide a paper transcript.
Queries about the information in your HEAR
How do I get my achievements recorded on my HEAR?
Most activities will be added to your HEAR by the team in KeeleSU. To find out more about how to record an activity with KeeleSU you'll need to visit the KeeleSU Hear webpage.
Other activities, such as Student Ambassadors will be automatically added to your HEAR by the University at an appropriate time. A full list can be found on the HEAR recordable activities page.
To find out about the HEAR recordable awards and prizes please see the University's awards and prizes web-pages. These will also be automatically added to your HEAR by the University at an appropriate time.
You have control over section 6 (your extra-curricular activities), HEAR recordable activities are only added to this section if you ask for them to be.
When will my activities be recorded and when will they appear on my HEAR?
If you have undertaken a HEAR-recordable activity, once this has been verified by the University, this will be recorded by the area of the University managing that activity so that it appears in section 6.1 of your HEAR. You can check whether an activity has been recorded by carrying out the following:
- Log onto your Gradintelligence account at www.gradintel.com
- On the left of the home page, click on 'University Services'
- On the next page click on the 'Achievements' tab to view all verified activities and achievements that have been recorded
Further information about the areas of the University responsible for recording these activities, the process for having an activity recorded and who to contact can be found at HEAR activities and achievements. If an activity is showing under the 'Achievements' tab, but is not currently shown in section 6.1 of your HEAR, this will appear when your HEAR is next refreshed. Please note that your HEAR will be refreshed in late February, late July and early October in each academic year.
The information about my module marks/degree classification is incorrect, who should I contact?
The marks and degree classification displayed on your HEAR have been verified by the University. If you have any queries please direct them to exams@keele.ac.uk
The information about my additional activities/achievements (section 6.1) is incorrect, who should I contact?
If you have any queries relating to your additional activities/achievements please direct them to su.activities@keele.ac.uk
If you have any queries relating to your awards/prizes please direct them to exams@keele.ac.uk