Recent career history
2021-present: Senior Lecturer in South Asian History
2019 – 2021: Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy
2005-2021: Lecturer in colonial and postcolonial history
2005-Present: Lecturer in Colonial and Postcolonial History, Keele University.
2003-2005: Tutorial Fellow in International History, London School of Economics, London.
2001-2003: Occasional Teacher in International History, London School of Economics, London.
1999-2002: Lecturer (part-time) in Politics, School of Oriental and African Studies, London.
Recent conference papers and invited talks
2020: "Hinduism and the war on history in Narendra Modi's India" for Institute of Historical Research Modern Religious History Seminar discussion entitled 'Religion, Race and the State.' 11 November
2020: "Decolonising Keele University: Becoming an Anti-racist University" at Decolonising the University of Bradford event, 21 July
2019: “Complicating ‘populism’: Hindutva, caste and decolonisation” for KISI (Keele Institute for Social Inclusion) Workshop on Democracy and Populism, Keele University. 31 January 2019, [p
2018: “Decolonising the History Curriculum” at Decolonising the Curriculum event. Keele University, UK. 28 February 2018.
2017: “The Revolution Goes South: 1917 in the Indian political imagination” at The Centenary of 1917: Year of Two Revolutions in Russia. Keele University, UK. 24 October 2017.
2017: “Hindutva and Postcolonialism” at British Association of South Asian Studies Annual Conference. Nottingham, UK. 21 April 2017.
2017: “Edward Shils and the dilemma of the Indian intellectuals, c.1955-1967” at Keele Modern History Seminar. History Department, Keele University. 22 March 2017.
2016: “Jawaharlal Nehru University: A campus for the nation” at Utopian Universities: The New Campuses of the 1960s. History Department, University of York. 11-13 September 2016.
2013: “‘Uncle Sham’: Indian representations of the USA before independence” as part of a panel titled “Beyond Subaltern Studies: New approaches to the study of political ideas in South Asia”. 42nd Annual Conference on South Asia, Madison, Wisconsin. October 2013. USA.
2011: “‘Uncle Sham or Aunty Sham?’ Indian representations of the USA before independence” at South Asian Seminar Series. History Department, School of Oriental and Asian Studies. December 2011.
2011: “Communism and Islam in South Asia” at Religion and Politics Seminar Series. History and Politics Department, Loughborough University. April 2011.
2010: “‘Communism and democracy’: Punjab radicals and representative democracy in the 1930s”. European Conference of Modern South Asian Studies, Bonn, July 2010. Sheffield University Seminar Series, November 2010.
2009: “Yeh Azaadi Jhooti Hai (This Independence is a Lie): An Analysis of the Official Communist Party of India Line from 1947 to 1950”. 38th Annual Conference on South Asia, Madison, Wisconsin. October 2009.
2009: “The Organised Left and Representative politics in pre-Partition Punjab”. Punjab: Past and Present. Government College University, Lahore. February 2009. Pakistan.
2008: “Developing a communist identity in colonial Punjab: The case of the Naujawan Bharat Sabha”. History Department, Sheffield Hallam University. April 2008.
2007: “Turning democratic: The Indian state and sedition from 1947 to 1951”. Beyond Independence: South Asia 1947-1977. Royal Holloway, London. April 2007.
2006: “Enemies of the State – The reaction of the Indian state to the Telengana uprising from 1946-1952”. British Association for South Asian Studies, Birkbeck College, London. April 2006.
2006: “The Content of Marxism in Punjab before 1947”. Political Studies Association,
University of Reading. April 2006.
2004: “The Culture of Imperial Governance in Punjab”. Empire & Imperial Culture Conference. California State University, Stanislaus. February 2004. USA.
2003: “Some Meanings of Radicalism in Pre-Partition Punjab”. South Asia Seminar, Leicester University. December 2003.
Recent administrative roles
2021: Faculty of Humanities and Social Science Lead in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
2021: Elected Councillor, Keele University
2019: Director of Postgraduate Studies, School of Humanities, Keele University.
2019: Member of EDI Committee, School of Humanities, Keele University.
2018: Mentor (Aurora 1 ECR; BAME 1 ECR; REC 1 member of the SMT), Keele University.
2018: Elected Senator, Keele University.
2018: Co-chair BAME Staff Network, Keele University.
2018: Member of Decolonising Keele Staff and Student Working Group, Keele University.
2017: Participant in Keele University Strategic Conversation on Improving Student Recruitment, Keele University.
2017: Member of RECSAT Committee
2017: Member of REC Culture and Communication Committee
2016: PGT Director, Keele University.
2013: Taught Postgraduate Admissions Tutor in History, Keele University.
2010-15: Academic Conduct Officer, School of Humanities, Keele University.
2010-13: Director of Undergraduate Studies in History, Keele University.
2009-11: Research Training Coordinator, School of Humanities, Keele University.
2007-10: BA Examinations Secretary in History, Keele University.
Peer review
- Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, Research Project Funding.
Publishers and journals
- Oxford University Press India
- Stanford University Press
- Palgrave Macmillan
- I.B. Taurus
- Ethnicities (ISSN: 1468-7968)
- Modern Asian Studies (ISSN: 1469-8099)
- Historical Materialism (ISSN: 1569-206X)