Staff Equality Monitoring

Why do we ask for your information?

As part of our obligations under the Equality Act 2010 and public sector equality duty, we are committed to collecting and publishing annual equality information about our staff. Providing this information helps us ensure that we have transparency in our due regard to;

Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation
Advance equality of opportunity between different groups
Foster good relations between different groups

How do we use your information?

The data is used anonymously to contribute to our annual equality and diversity reports and to help inform policy and decision making both here at our university and across the higher education sector from the HESA Annual Staff Return.

How do we collect your information?

Staff will have been asked to provide their information, either when the Equality Act 2010 came into law or since when new staff have joined the institution. It can be updated online by logging in to Keele People Employee Self Service (under Personal > My personal details > Sensitive information).

Who can see my information?

Access to staff equality monitoring information is strictly limited to staff who manage and maintain university systems in the Human Resources and Information Technology teams. It is not visible to your line manager or other staff who use Keele People.

Do I have to I provide my information?

No, you are not obliged to provide your data, but we would ask that all staff take an opportunity to review their current sensitive information record in Employee Self Service.

What information you choose to declare is your personal choice and If you do not wish to provide an answer to a particular question, you are free to state ‘rather not say’. It is still a useful positive response even if no specific information is given.

Why should choose to provide my information?

Every response helps to provide the university with an understanding of who we all are as a community of staff and makes a contribution to embedding equality and diversity a principle of our policies and strategies.

We also have our own Keele University guide which provides more details of the sensitive information that we monitor.