Permitted Paid Engagements (PPE)

In specific circumstances visitors can come to Keele University for up to one month and be paid by the University. Such individuals are undertaking permitted paid engagements (PPE).

Full details on the available PPE routes can be found in Appendix 4 of the Immigration Rules Appendix V: visitor rules. The following are permitted paid engagements which may be relevant to Keele University:

  • an academic who is highly qualified within their field of expertise may examine students and/or participate in or chair selection panels, if they have been invited by a UK Higher Education Institution or a UK based research or arts organisation as part of that institution or organisations quality assurance processes.
  • an expert may give lectures in their subject area, if they have been invited by a UK HE institution; or a UK based research or arts organisation provided this does not amount to fulling a teaching position for the host organisation.

In order to qualify for entry under the PPE route, the individual must be able to show that they have a formal invitation to carry out the engagement, and that the specific activity relates to their area of expertise and/ or qualifications, and full time occupation overseas.

Where an academic is fully retired and carries out one-off examination work or lecture, this would not count as their full time occupation. However, an individual who is semi-retired, carrying out regular examination work or lectures and earning an income from this, may qualify under this route.


PPE visitors may carry out the following study:

  • education exchanges or visits with a UK state or independent school; or
  • a maximum of 30 days study on:
    • Recreational courses (not English language training)
    • A short-course (which includes English language training) at an accredited institution;
  • provided that the main purpose of the visit is not to study.