Faculty contacts
Executives and Directors
Professor Donna Lee
Executive Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences
- CBA 1.035
- +44 (0) 1782 734585
- d.lee@keele.ac.uk
Professor Daniel Herbert
Dean of Education for Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- CBA 1.037
- d.herbert@keele.ac.uk
Sarah Lane
Head of Faculty Operations, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
- CBA 1.039
- +44 (0)1782 734278
- s.j.lane@keele.ac.uk
Bela Arora
Professor of Applied Social Sciences
- Chancellor’s Building, CBA1.062
- b.arora@keele.ac.uk
Professor Mariangela Palladino
Dean of Research, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor of Postcolonial and Cultural Studies
- CBB2.054
- +44 (0)1782 733397
- m.palladino@keele.ac.uk
Dr Mario Prost
Faculty Postgraduate Research (PGR) Director, Senior Lecturer in Law
- CBC 2.027
- +44(0)1782 733097
- m.prost@keele.ac.uk
Professional services & learning technology staff
David Craddock
Faculty Operations Manager, Research (School of Law & School of Social Sciences)
- CBA 1.052
- d.t.craddock@keele.ac.uk
Andy Gater
Learning Innovation Technologist (Humanities Faculty Contact)
- CBA 1.053
- +44 (0)1782 734631
- a.gater@keele.ac.uk
Sharon Harding
PA to Executive Dean, Faculty Dean of Education, Faculty Dean of Research and Head of Faculty Operations
- CBA 1.039
- +44 (0)1782 734586
- s.e.harding@keele.ac.uk
Leonie Moore
Faculty Operations Manager, Education
- CBA 1.054
- +44 (0)1782 733203
- l.m.moore@keele.ac.uk
Research contacts
Postgraduate Administrator
Ellie Lange
Operations Coordinator (Research)
Fenella Webster
KISI Administrator
- CBA 0.038
- f.webster@keele.ac.uk