4th Methods X Conference

Helping social science researchers to understand information on social media

This year’s conference will focus on methodological approaches to understanding social media information. The relevance of social media research has naturally become more pronounced during the Covid 19 pandemic but equally, it has always played an important role in social science research as representations of a topic in social media shape what we think or do about that topic and how we engage with it. Our keynote speakers will therefore explore qualitative and quantitative approaches to researching social media information, focusing on how research topics are problematised in social media and how to critically engage with social media problematisations of these topics. They will help us understand the assumptions that drive these problematisations and how they translate into ‘lived effects’ that social science researchers may be interested in exploring.

The conference will be hosted via MS Teams. To register for the conference, please go to this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/154708672805

Event Flyer - 4th Methods X Conference

MNW Draft Conference Programme 

11.15 – 11.30  Welcome  
11.30 – 13.15   Keynote presentations 
13.15 – 14.00   Lunch  
14.00 – 15.00   ‘Research Problem’ panel sessions 
15.00 – 15.15   Break  
15.15 – 16.00   ‘Methods in 3 minutes’ competition  

Submissions of proposals for panel sessions:

In this session, we would like to invite you to submit a proposal for a short presentation of a ‘methods research problem’ that you have encountered during your research and that may potentially be preventing your from moving your research forward. During the panel session you will be expected to present on your ‘methods problem’ (10 min) and all submitted problems will then be discussed by a panel. Presenters are encouraged to highlight key points for consideration by the panel and the session audience so that they can receive constructive feedback around these. The session is meant to offer presenters an opportunity to present their research in a friendly and supportive environment and to receive feedback that will help them move forwards with their work.

Deadline for submissions is: 13 June 2021. Please make a submission to links@keele.ac.uk, consisting of a title and a short abstract (150-200) giving a short background to your project and focusing on what your research problem is and what kind of feedback you would like to receive.

Methods in 3 min competition

This session is meant to challenge researchers to present a compelling and engaging presentation on their research methods and methodology and its significance in just three minutes. If you wish to be considered for this competition, please submit your power point presentation to links@keele.ac.uk. The winner of the competition will be presented with a £ 300 book voucher, and the two runners-ups with £200 and £100 respectively.

Assessment Criteria:

  • Did the presentation provide an understanding of the background and significance to the research method being addressed, while explaining terminology and avoiding jargon?
  • Did the presentation clearly describe the adequacy of the method for the research question
  • Did the presentation follow a clear and logical sequence?
  • Was the format of the presentation engaging and innovative?

If you have any questions, please contact the conference organiser, Dr Aneta Hayes, a.m.hayes@keele.ac.uk

Event date
Event Time
Aneta Hayes
Contact email
Contact telephone
+44 1782 7 33556