

I studied at the University of Southampton, where I gained a BA (Hons) in French and English.  My undergraduate dissertation was on Marxism and feminism:  I pursued these interests further in an MA on Culture and Social Change (University of Southampton, 1996). My MA dissertation on mapping in novels by Anne Hébert, Marie-Claire Blais, and Nicole Brossard began my interest in the spatial. Entitled 'No Place Like Home', my PhD (University of Southampton, 2000) was on literary geographies in post-1960 French-language Québec fiction. I spent part of my PhD programme as a stagiaire de recherche at l'Université du Québec à Montréal (1997).

Visiting Eakin Fellow at McGill Institute for the Study of Canada, Montreal, in Autumn 2007, I took up a Leverhulme International Academic Fellowship at the Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling at Concordia University, Montreal in Summer 2014. This marked a sea change in my research and practice: since that time, I have worked increasingly on participatory projects, using creative writing and other arts practices to make place-based art with a range of people in and outside universities. A longstanding member of the Montreal-based geopoetics research group, la Traversée, I lead or co-lead geopoetics (place-engaged creative practice) workshops in the Stoke region and beyond. 

Most of my teaching is in Creative Writing and English, where my specialisms are: place-writing, creative nonfiction, critical-creative writing, poetry, spatial theory, literary theory, and late twentieth and twenty-first century fiction and poetry.

School of Humanities
Chancellor's Building
Keele University
Tel: +44 (0) 1782 733109

Head of School
Dr Nick Seager
Room: CBB1.038 (Chancellor's Building, 'B' Extension)
Tel: +44 (0) 1782 733142
Email: n.p.seager@keele.ac.uk

School and college outreach
Tel: +44 (0) 1782 734009
Email: outreach@keele.ac.uk