Greening business

At Keele we aim to produce distinctive graduates who can think independently, solve problems, communicate clearly and who appreciate the social, environmental and global implications of their studies and activities. As a student there are lots of opportunities to include sustainability in your studies and extra curricula activities at Keele. One of these opportunities is the popular ‘Greening Business: Employability and Sustainability’ module; a free elective module open to all first year students.

At Keele we aim to produce distinctive graduates who can think independently, solve problems, communicate clearly and who appreciate the social, environmental and global implications of their studies and activities. As a student there are lots of opportunities to include sustainability in your studies and extra curricula activities at Keele. One of these opportunities is the popular ‘Greening Business: Employability and Sustainability’ module; a free elective module open to all first year students.

About the Module

graph All organisations now have to engage with their environment and sustainability responsibilities and yet there is a real shortage of people with skills and knowledge in this area. This module is highly relevant to students on all degree programmes as sustainability issues are relevant to all future employers and to all our lives. The Module Covers:

1) An introduction to the environment/sustainability responsibilities of businesses + the motivations for businesses to address sustainability in their operations.

2) Practical skills + knowledge to improve the environmental performance of companies.

3) Practice in environmental auditing by investigating sustainability issues on the Keele campus.

This module isn’t just your average module though… It uses exciting and innovative education methods based on group working, problem solving and online learning. Lectures are delivered online via podcasts and screencasts and in class you’ll do lots of interactive, thought-provoking team work exercises. The module has both group and individual assessments; however, your main assessment is a video making project. Have a look below at some of the videos produced by last years students.

This module is essential for a career in sustainability!

Interactive Resources for Interdisciplinary Sustainability (IRIS)

logo If you study a degree which relates to the field of environment and sustainability or are interested in finding out how sustainability issues are relevant to the subject you study please visit the IRIS webpages for some great info and advice. The IRIS site explains how all subjects are relevant and important to sustainability, from geology and geography to mathematics, physics and chemistry! It highlights sustainability themes within many different subject areas which you may then be interested in exploring for an essay, a research project or just for fun. There are lots of sustainability activities and resources, plus some really helpful study skills advice, tips on enhancing your CV, getting work experience and landing your perfect sustainability job.

IRIS website