Impact Accelerator Unit news

A Keele Professor’s distinguished career in osteoarthritis research has been recognised with a prestigious award from an internationally renowned research society.

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Keele researchers are embarking on an important new study to investigate the challenges deprived communities face when accessing musculoskeletal (MSK) care.

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An evening of celebration was held at Keele Hall on Thursday 23 November as the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Keele came together with local partners from health and social care organisations across the North West Midlands.

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A tool designed by Keele researchers to improve care for patients with low back pain has been estimated to have generated more than £226 for every £1 spent on implementing it.

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Working together with patients, Keele's Impact Accelerator Unit and Clinical Trials Unit, researchers from the School of Medicine have produced a new information film to help patients with arthritis access support and services to improve their treatment. 

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School of Medicine celebrates the NHS’s 75th anniversary

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Professor Krysia Dziedzic has had her Senior Investigator status renewed by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).

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