HyDeploy project explained

Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jALw9S-2ze8

So, HyDeploy is a truly groundbreaking project with the objective of blending up to 20% hydrogen in the current gas infrastructure with minimal disruption to users. Keele is an ideal location to conduct a first-of-a-kind demonstration. It's like a small town reliant on gas, with around 100 domestic users and 20 faculty buildings, including office blocks, currently on the compound. This is where all the exciting technical work takes place.

We produce the hydrogen on-site with an electrolyzer. The main principle involves using electricity to break down water into hydrogen and oxygen. The oxygen is vented into the atmosphere, while the hydrogen is stored in a vessel called the buffer tank. Additionally, we have a unit called The Grid Entry Unit, where we blend the hydrogen and natural gas. The natural gas enters from the gas network, mixes with the hydrogen from the buffer tank, and passes through a system of pipes to ensure the right composition before distribution into the Keele network.

There are numerous safety measures in place throughout the project's lifecycle. We have equipment located both on the compound and closer to consumers to ensure the hydrogen blend's quality. We've conducted on-site testing of appliances and verified the results with laboratory testing. Furthermore, we've assessed the materials and assets in both homes and the gas network.