Introducing Keele's Sustainable Rural Futures Doctoral Scholarships Programme

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Dr Ben Anderson and Professor Clare Holdsworth introduce Keele's new Sustainable Rural Futures Doctoral Scholarships Programme.

The Sustainable Rural Futures Leverhulme Doctoral Programme aims to train the next generation of rural researchers. Currently, the rural domain in the UK faces several crises, from housing prices to agricultural profitability, biodiversity, and rural transport provision. Addressing these crises and finding solutions is essential for fostering a positive future for both urban and rural residents in the UK.

There are two significant impacts expected from SURF. Firstly, we will be training the next generation of rural researchers who will not only have opportunities in academia but also in working within rural communities. Secondly, we will collaborate with partners already engaged in rural issues, working directly with rural communities to ensure our research is relevant and contributes positively to their lives.

All of our research will be collaborative. We won't confine ourselves to the academic environment of Keele University; instead, we will engage with rural communities, stakeholders, and individuals facing these challenges daily. This approach will allow us to gain insights directly from those affected and ensure our research is grounded in real-world experiences.