

Abhishek Behl is a Associate Professor at Keele Business School, Keele University, UK. He has earned his second Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, where his research is in the area of crowdfunding and gamification. He is a winner of the prestigious “Naik and Rastogi Award for excellence in PhD” from IIT Bombay. He holds a rich experience of teaching, research and consultancy. He has taught subjects like Marketing Analytics; Gamification for Business; Marketing Research and Qualitative Data Analytics. He has also served as a Senior Manager- Research at Centre for Innovation Incubation and Entrepreneurship, IIM Ahmedabad. His research is in the areas of gamification and strategy, human-computer interaction, sustainability, and stakeholder engagement.

He is an incoming president of Special Interest Group (SIG)- GAME of AIS. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Global Information Management; Journal of Global Marketing; Journal of Consumer Behaviour; International Journal of Manpower; International Studies of Management and Organization; South Asia Journal of Business Studies; Journal of Cases on Information Technology ; Assistant Editor of Technology Forecasting and Social Change and in an area editor (South Asia) of the International Journal of Emergency Services. He features on the editorial board of many journals like International Marketing Review; International Journal of Information Management; Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organization; Journal of Promotion Management; Young Consumer; Management Decision; and Society and Business Review. He has edited three books. He has published in journals like Harvard Business Review; Industrial Marketing Management; International Journal of Information Management; IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management; Production Planning and Control; Technovation; Annals of Operations Research; Journal of Business Research; Technology Forecasting and Social Change; Journal of Knowledge Management; Computers in Human Behaviour; Internet Research; International Marketing Review; Journal of Enterprise Information Systems; Industrial Management and Data Systems, etc.

Keele Business School
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Keele University
Tel: +44 (0) 1782 733430

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