Professor Peter Lawrence
- Title
- Emeritus Professor
- Location
- Chancellor's Building CBB2.040
- Phone
- +44 (0)1782 733105
- p.r.lawrence@keele.ac.uk
I hold a BA and MA from the University of Sussex and a PhD from Leeds. I have taught in Tanzania, Uganda, and Canada and have spent periods of research in Tanzania, Hungary, Spain and India.
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Research and scholarship
Research and scholarship
I have researched principally in development economics issues, including the transition economies, and also in unemployment in local labour markets. I am especially interested in the effects of liberalization on developing economies and have carried out research on the effects of liberalisation on African primary commodity export performance. I currently direct a £158,000 research project funded by the Department for International Development (DfID) on the effects of macro-financial policies on the behaviour of households and individuals in developing countries. I participated in the first phase of a £350,000 DfID-funded project based at the NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, on the development of a water poverty index. I have started work with Arijit Mukherjee on price regulation and industrial protection in developing countries.
ECO-10016 : Markets, Hierarchies and Networking
Further information
Further information
Academic Qualifications:
- B.A.(II.1) Economics/Social Studies, Sussex, 1966.
- M.A. Development Economics/African Studies, Sussex, 1967.
- Ph.D. (University of Leeds), 1992.
- Senior Lecturer in Economics, Keele University 1996 - present
- Deputy Head of Department (later Director of Undergraduate Studies) department of Economics, Keele University, 1992-2001
- Lecturer in Economics, University of Keele, 1974-96
- Temporary Lecturer in Economics, University of Keele, 1973-4.
- Senior Research Associate, University of East Anglia, 1972-3.
- Lecturer in Economics, University of Dar es Salaam, 1970-72.
- Junior Research Fellow in African Economic Studies, University of Leeds, 1967-70
- Research Associate, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 1968-9
- Assistant Master (part-time), Brighton Hove and Sussex Grammar School, 1966-1967
Visiting Appointments:
- External Tutor, MSc in Financial Economics, SOAS, University of London since 1994.
- Visiting Lecturer, MA Programme in Economic Policy and Planning, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, Jan-March 1992 and Jan-Mar 1993 (funded by United Nations Development Programme and the European Commission).
- Research Associate, Centre for Development Studies, University of Leeds, from 1986.
- British Council Exchange Visitor, Institute of World Economy, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, January to April 1984.
- Visiting Professor, ETEA, University of Cordoba, Spain, Sept.-Dec.1980
- Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, University of Manitoba, Canada, July/August, 1989.
- British Academy Exchange Visitor, Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, November, 1989.
- Founding and Managing Editor, Review of African Political Economy, 1974-93.
- Contributing Editor, Review of African Political Economy, 1993-
- (Ed) Africa and Asia in Comparative Development, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2001 (with C. Thirtle)
- Structural Adjustment, in (eds) C. Kirkpatrick, R. Clarke and C. Polidano, Handbook on Development Policy and Management, Edward Elgar, (2002)
- The Non-Recovery of Agricultural Tradables and its Consequences for Rural Poverty, in D. Belshaw and I Livingstone (eds), Renewing Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Routledge (2002) (with Deryke Belshaw)
- Agricultural Tradables and Economic Recovery in Uganda: the Limitations of Structural Adjustment in Practice, World Development, 27, 4, April 1999 (with D Belshaw and M Hubbard)
- A Decade of Structural Adjustment in Uganda:agricultural tradables, rural poverty and macroeconomic 'success', in M Spoor (ed), The 'Market Panacea': Liberalization and Privatization in the Agrarian Sector in the 1990s, London:IT Publications (1997) (with DGR Belshaw and MEV Hubbard)
- Economic Transition in Eastern Europe: an overview, in (ed) P. Cook and F.I. Nixson, The Move to the Market, Macmillan,(1995)
- Labour Market Changes in a Local Area: 1988-90, International Journal of Manpower, 14,1 (1993) (with L Rosenthal)
- Selling Off the State: Privatisation in Hungary, in (eds. T Clarke and C Pitelis) The Political Economy of Privatisation, London:Routledge, 1993.
- Employment Experiences Following the Stoke-on-Trent Garden Festival, Local Economy, 5,2, 1990 (with L. Rosenthal).
- Long-term Unemployment and the Demand for Labour in the Stoke-on-Trent Travel-to-Work Area, International Journal of Manpower, 10, 4 (with L. Rosenthal and P. Sheldon), 1989.
- The Dynamics of Land Tenure and Agrarian Systems in Africa, in L. Cliffe and P. Lawrence, The Dynamics of Land Tenure and Agrarian Systems : case studies from Africa (with L. Cliffe), FAO, Rome, 1989.
- The Political Economy of the Green Revolution In Africa, Review of African Political Economy 42 'The African Environment', December 1988.
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