

Paul joined Keele Business School in May 2023 as Professor of Regional Economic Development and Policy. His research expertise includes local and regional economic development, local and regional labour markets, labour market change and skills policy. His research has evaluated sub-national approaches to economic development, industrial strategy and inclusive growth. His work on skills has extended understandings of skills mismatch, and the drivers of employer demand for skills, at the regional and local level. His recent research has provided novel insights into important contemporary labour market issues of in-work poverty and weak pay progression.

Paul was previously Professor of Work and Employment and Head of the Management Research Centre at the University of Wolverhampton. Prior to this, Paul held posts at Coventry University, The Work Foundation, the Institute for Employment Studies, and Dundee University.

Paul has published in a range of leading journals including Regional Studies, Urban Studies, Work, Employment and Society, Human Resource Management Journal, and Policy and Politics. He has authored more than 40 research papers and policy reports. Paul is an Editor at the journal of Work, Employment and Society. He has engaged with research and policy and practice development activities with Central Government departments, local and combined authorities, and Third Sector organisations.

Keele Business School
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Keele University
Tel: +44 (0) 1782 733430

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