

Dr Rosa M. Fernandez Martin is an applied economist specialised in sustainability related topics, including renewable energies economics and policies, food security and food sustainability, education for sustainable development, or corporate social responsibility, among others. She has wide teaching and research experience in Economics, having worked at UNED (Spain), the University of Birmingham and the University of Chester, where she was Programme Leader in Economics and Deputy Head of Department in Social and Political Science. She joined Keele Business School in June 2023 from the University of Warwick, where she was Associate Professor in Global Sustainable Development in charge of distance learning provision.

She has published numerous articles and book chapters in her main areas of research expertise and has taught a wide range of modules in Economics both at undergraduate and graduate levels (including micro and macroeconomics, economic thought, international trade, public sector economics and development economics), with specialisation in Environmental Economics. She is associate editor of several international peer reviewed journals and regular reviewer for transdomain projects for the COST initiative of the European Commission.

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Tel: +44 (0) 1782 733430

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