Curriculum expectations and graduate attributes

Grad attributes

Our curriculum expectations are divided into four key themes: inclusivity, digital capability, external engagement, and active learning (I-D-E-A).

These four curriculum expectations feed directly into our four graduate attributes - qualities our students will have the opportunity to develop during their time at Keele, through both the formal curriculum and also through co- and extra-curricular activities (e.g. work experience and engagement with the wider University community). 

Our graduate attributes consist of four themes: academic expertise, professional skills, personal effectiveness, and social and ethical responsibility.

These four graduate attributes have a direct link to our four curriculum expectations - the underlying principles of programme design at Keele.

Our curriculum expectations

The Keele curriculum expectations underpin the design of our degree programmes at Keele. Together they will ensure our students benefit from the highest quality, contemporary educational offer, designed to equip them to be successful graduates of the future with knowledge and skills fit for a changing society.

The four curriculum expectations provide a simple framework applicable to all our undergraduate and postgraduate taught provision, including our apprenticeships, and fully online masters programmes. We will expect programmes to demonstrate at validation, review and revalidation how these curriculum expectations are embedded in design, as appropriate to the nature of the discipline. 

The curriculum is a major vehicle, although not the sole vehicle, through which students develop essential skills and attributes. The four curriculum expectations provide programmes with a structure through which students can develop many, but not necessarily all, of the graduate attributes.

Our graduate attributes

The Keele graduate attributes are qualities (skills, values and mindsets) which our students have the opportunity to develop during their time at Keele through both the formal curriculum and through co- and extra-curricular activities (e.G., work experience, and engagement with the wider university community such as acting as ambassadors, volunteering, peer mentoring, student representation, membership and leadership of clubs and societies). 
Students develop these attributes through a wide range of experiences reflective of their wider university experience.  

The language of the attributes is designed to be accessible, familiar and useful to students. Students will engage actively with the range of attributes throughout their time at Keele:  through their academic studies, through self-assessing their own strengths, weaknesses and development needs, and by setting personal development goals and discussing progress, for example, with academic mentors to prepare for their future career and lives beyond Keele.