Transition to Leadership Programme 2022 - Call for Expressions of Interest

Expressions of interest are invited for the Transition to Leadership (TTL) programme 2022, delivered in partnership by Keele University and AdvanceHE.
The programme is intended for staff who may be moving from an informal to a more formal leadership role, for example those moving from module leadership to programme leadership, or to a School, faculty, or directorate leadership role, as well as senior lecturers and research leaders. Colleagues aspiring to a more formal leadership role are also welcome to apply.
At Keele, the cohorts to date have comprised education leaders and research leaders, with the goal of creating powerful synergies between specialist education and research expertise on the one hand, and leadership awareness and capacity on the other, to ensure ‘leadership in action’ based on looking inwards before looking outwards.
The programme is part of Keele’s strategic commitment to supporting educational and research excellence, innovation, and leadership across the institution. The programme, will offer support in exploring leadership styles, structures, and challenges, but quickly progress as a programme that supports your specific and local project needs.
Its objectives are to enhance your understanding and practice of leadership, and to establish clear, collaborative, and pragmatic ways to push forward the projects or areas you lead. It will anchor theoretical discussion to real-world problem solving, at all stages, from the ‘institutional challenges’ addressed in the core, to the School, Faculty or Directorate projects developed in the specialist workshops.
To be eligible for the programme, you must be available for the online and in-situ workshops detailed below:
- Wednesday 19 January 11am – 12.30pm, Introduction (online)
- Wednesday 2 February 9.30am - 16.30pm, Module 1 & 2 (in situ, Keele Campus)
- Wednesday 16 February 9.30am - 12.00pm, Module 3 (online)
- Wednesday 9 March 9.30am - 12.00pm, Module 4 (online)
- Wednesday 6 April 9.30am - 16.30pm, Module 5&6 (in situ, Keele Campus)
- Wednesday 11 May 9.30am - 16.30pm, KIITE Symposium (in situ, Keele Campus)
Participants will also work on an individual leadership project. Participants will be supported in the development of these projects through a peer coaching framework and will present their work, sharing their thoughts on their leadership project, at the symposium at Keele Hall in May.
Please email expressions of interest by Friday 10 December to including:
- 500-word statement on why you would like to participate, including details of the proposed leadership project you’d like to work on whilst on the programme
- Short statement of support from your line manager or head of unit
- Your contact details: full name and School/Directorate, home address, email address. By submitting your expression of interest, you are allowing us to share your details with AdvanceHE for the purpose of sending out details of the programme to you. This includes hard copies sent to your home address.
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