

Elizabeth completed a BA in Law and American Studies in 2010 and an MA in Human Rights Globalisation and Justice in 2012 at Keele University. She submitted her PhD thesis ‘The Trafficking of Children; International Law, Modern Slavery and the New Abolitionists’ in 2017 and secured a contract with Palgrave Macmillan for the monograph based upon her doctoral research as part of the ‘Transnational Crime, Crime Control and Security Series’.

Elizabeth joined Keele Law School in 2021 as a member staff, having previously held a Lectureship in Contemporary Slavery at the Wilberforce Institute, University of Hull and in the Law Schools of De Montfort University and Staffordshire University. Her passion about human rights and social justice was nurtured through her time as a student at Keele and continued through her contribution to teaching the undergraduate module Law in Action. Elizabeth has been an invited lecturer at Trinity College, University of Cambridge (2019) upon ‘Modern Slavery and Ethics’. In addition to appearing as an invited speaker at the 7th Children’s Rights Research Symposium, Children’s Rights Research at 30: Reflections, Challenges and Opportunities, University of Liverpool (2019).

Elizabeth has been interviewed on local and national radio in the aftermath of the Greys Tragedy in 2019 to discuss modern slavery, trafficking and immigration. Delivering a “tent talk” with the Guardian’s Modern slavery editor Annie Kelly at the Freedom Festival in 2018 and appearing as a panelist on BBC’s live TV program The Big Questions in 2018 as an expert on modern slavery. In addition to public engagement, she is the Coordinator of the ESPMI Executive Committee, Emerging Scholars & Practitioners on Migration Issues Network (ESPMI)

Elizabeth has an expanding publication portfolio and a series of successful grants which enabled the delivery of two events in 2019. Firstly, a multidisciplinary conference in October 2019 ‘Critical Perspectives on Modern Slavery; Law Policy and Society’ (CPMS) funded by the Modern Law Review and Society of Legal Scholars (SLS). Secondly, an ESRC Festival of Social Sciences event ‘The Faces of Hull: interpreting refugees, slaves and migrants’ in November 2019. She is a peer reviewer for the ‘Anti-Trafficking Review’, Routledge and the Journal of Human Trafficking and has published numerous commentaries upon her research including pieces in the Independent, the Conversation and Open Democracy.


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