Regulation C4: Intercalated Bachelors Degrees
(Formerly Regulation 1C: Modular Medical Intercalated Bachelor Of Science Degrees)
1. Definitions
The following definitions shall apply in respect of these regulations:
Assessment Criteria: The guidelines for marking approved from time to time by Senate which are to be interpreted by examiners in the context of the subject.
Award: Any named BSc (Hons) award made by the University to an individual student under these regulations.
Core Module: A module which is compulsory for students registered on a specified course.
Co-requisites: Modules which must be studied concurrently by students registered on a specified course.
Course: A collection of modules grouped under a specific title, the details of which have been approved by Senate as leading to a named award.
Course Regulations: The regulations governing one or more specified courses.
Credit: The unit of academic value by which successful completion of a module contributes to a student’s programme of study.
Examination: An assessment with fixed time-limit conducted under examination conditions in an examination hall designated by the Head of Student Records and Examinations for the purpose. Examinations which are not unseen may be either seen, where the student is advised of the content of the paper prior to the examination although the paper is written under normal examination conditions, or open-book for which students may bring into the examination specified material which can be highlighted or underlined but not annotated.
Examination Period: A period which is set aside for the conduct of examinations.
In-Course Assessment: Any assessment which is not an examination and which shall not exceed such maximum requirements as may be determined by Senate from time to time.
Level: The designation of a module within a given course as follows:
Level 6: Modules, the standard of whose learning outcomes is appropriate to the award of a three-year full-time honours degree.
All designations refer to the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) as set out in the conversion table at the start of the Regulations.
Module: A separate identifiable self-contained unit of study at a specified level, which is assessed and given a credit value.
Module Assessment: The processes by which it is ascertained whether, and at what standard of performance, a module has been completed and the learning outcomes thereof achieved.
Module Catalogue: Documentation which describes the modules available to students.
Option Module: A module which is optional for students registered on a course.
Precursor: A module, the study hours of which a student shall be required to have completed in order to proceed to a subsequent specified module or modules, but for which credit may not necessarily have been awarded.
Prerequisite: A module in which a student shall be required to have received credit in order to proceed to a subsequent specified module or modules.
Programme of Study: The specific modules pursued by individual students within the context of an approved course.
Semester: A specified period of teaching, study and assessment as defined by Senate.
Session: One academic year.
Any reference in these regulations to Senate shall be deemed to include a reference to any committee of Senate designated by Senate for the purpose.
Any reference in these regulations to the Academic Registrar, Head of School, or other named officer of the University shall be deemed to include a reference to any person designated by that officer for the purpose.
2. Admission
2.1 Any student offered admission under these regulations shall be required to, as a minimum:
(a) have successfully completed either year two, three or four of a medical degree course; and
(b) have met any particular requirements for the course applied for, as specified in the relevant course regulations; and
(c) provide approved identification at enrolment; and
(d) provide original copies of academic transcripts or certificates used for admission if requested; and
(e) have enrolled with the University by the date determined by the University Executive Committee; and
(f) provide a valid UK contact address at all times whilst enrolled as a student; and
(g) Students who do not abide by points a-f will be withdrawn from the University.
2.2 The Deputy Director of Global Student Recruitment and Admissions, in consultation with the relevant Head(s) of School, is authorised to offer applicants admission with advanced standing who already hold up to 240 credits at Level 4 or above, provided always that no exemption shall be accorded for Level 6 modules.
2.3 The University reserves the right to withdraw a student’s registration if the student is found at a later stage to have submitted a fraudulent application to the University.
2.4 Applicants requiring student visa route sponsorship to study in the UK must not only meet the entrance criteria for the course but also the requirements, rules and responsibilities of the UK Home Office for sponsorship. Therefore, an offer of a place does not guarantee automatic student visa route sponsorship and is at the discretion of the University.
3. Course Regulations
3.1 Where appropriate there shall be course regulations in a form approved by Senate.
3.2 All such course regulations shall require the approval of Senate.
4. Modules
4.1 The credit value for any module shall be determined by reference to a common currency whereby one unit of credit represents the typical outcome of 10 hours of study. All modules shall have a credit value which is a multiple of 5, and no module shall have a value of less than 10.
4.2 Where a module is available for more than one course, its status as a core or option may vary between courses.
4.3 Precursors, prerequisites and/or co-requisites may be defined for any module.
5. Structure
5.1 A programme of study leading to the award of a University Intercalated BSc Honours Degree shall consist of modules to the value of at least 120 credits at Level 6 or higher.
6. Programme of Study
6.1 All students shall be required to register for their programmes of study for the coming academic session by such a date in Semester One as shall be determined by the Head of Student Records and Examinations.
6.2 No student shall be permitted to change their course later than four weeks from the start of Semester One.
6.3 No student shall be permitted to change their course without the prior formal approval of the Head(s) of Department/School responsible for the new course(s) into which the student wishes to transfer.
6.4 No student may undertake additional modules outside of their approved programme of study without the prior approval of the Head of Student Records and Examinations.
7. Time-Limit
7.1 The time-limit for a student to complete their programme of study shall be two sessions.
8. Assessment
8.1 All modules shall be assessed in accordance with the University’s agreed assessment criteria, either by:
(a) in-course assessment conducted during the semester(s) in which the module(s) is/are completed; or
(b) examination during an examination period; or
(c) a combination of both 8.1.a and 8.1.b above.
8.2 The method of assessment for each module, including the weighting for each element of the assessment, shall be notified to students.
8.3 The minimum mark for a pass in each module shall be 40%. Where a student satisfies the examiners in a module, the student shall be awarded the appropriate credits at the specified level.
8.4 A student who passes a module, in which the student has previously failed, shall be credited with the minimum mark for a pass irrespective of the actual mark achieved.
8.5 All modules shall contribute to the calculation of the final result for a BSc Honours degree and in such proportions as are set out in the course regulations.
8.6 A student who has been awarded credit in a module shall not be permitted to be reassessed in that module with a view to improving their mark, save under the provisions of paragraph 12.1.d below.
8.7 In any module which is assessed solely by one unit of in-course assessment, that assessment should be a piece of written work of 4,000-5,000 words or the equivalent in respect of a single module and 8,000-10,000 words or the equivalent in respect of a double module;
8.8 All students must be assessed in at least one module by unseen examination.
9. Appropriate Engagement With Studies
9.1 Any student failing to engage appropriately with their studies within two weeks of a final academic warning being issued may be required by the Senate to withdraw from the University at any stage in the programme.
9.2 Failure to engage appropriately with studies shall include non-attendance at compulsory learning and teaching events and/or failure to submit assessments without prior consent.
9.3 Any student failing to engage appropriately with assessments, without prior consent, may be required by the Senate to withdraw from the University within 2 weeks of the end of each formal assessment period.
10. Student Health and Wellbeing
10.1 Students must be in an adequate state of physical and mental health to enable them to continue with their studies. Information on Leave of Absence, which may be an option for those needing a break from their studies to support their health and wellbeing, is included in Regulation B4 Fitness to Study.
11. Determination of Results
11.1 The relevant Board of Examiners shall determine:
(a) the students mark for each module; and that
(b) the student be awarded the BSc qualification and with what classification, if any; or
(c) the student not be awarded the BSc qualification; or
(d) the student not be awarded the BSc qualification and be required to withdraw from the intercalated programme.
11.2 A student shall only be permitted to continue to pursue a programme of study provided that it remains possible for them to complete the programme within the approved time-limit.
11.3 A student who has failed any module on three occasions shall be required to withdraw from the intercalated programme.
12. Action to be taken in respect of academic failure by students
12.1 The relevant Board of Examiners shall determine whether a (who) student has not been recommended for the award of the BSc, and is not required to withdraw, be required to:
(a) be re-assessed in the failed module(s) at the next opportunity; or
(b) be re-assessed in the failed module(s) without attendance on the module(s) during the following session; or
(c) be re-assessed in the failed module(s) with attendance on the failed module(s) during the following session; or
(d) repeat the year, in which case the outcomes of programme of study for the repeat shall be used for determining award and classification and shall not be subject to paragraph 8.4 above. In all cases students programmes shall constitute a full years academic load.
13. Award
13.1 To qualify for an award, a candidate must:
(a) have enrolled with the University before proceeding to the prescribed programme of study; and
(b) have paid all prescribed fees and charges; and
(c) have satisfactorily completed a full-time programme of study, within the maximum period of time defined in section 7.
13.2 A student who has satisfied the examiners in at least 120 credits at Level 6 or higher shall be recommended to Senate for the award of a University BSc Honours Degree.
13.3 A student who has satisfied the examiners in at least 105 credits at Level 6 or higher may be recommended to Senate for the award of a University BSc Honours Degree at the discretion of the relevant Board of Examiners.
13.4 Posthumous
(a) Any taught award of the University may be conferred posthumously where the death of a student occurs prior to their completion of the requirements for their award. A posthumous award may be accepted on the student's behalf by a parent, spouse or other appropriate individual. The award conferred in such circumstances will normally be as a minimum the next exit award for which the student would have been eligible, based on the stage of the programme of study they had commenced at the discretion of the Vice-Chancellor in their capacity as Chair of Senate. All posthumous awards are unclassified.
(b) If the death of a student occurs after they have completed all the requirements for an award the award will not be considered posthumous and will, therefore, be classified. An award made in such circumstances may still be accepted on the student’s behalf by a parent, spouse, or other appropriate individual.
13.5 Aegrotat
(a) An Aegrotat award for incomplete study is an unclassified award that may be conferred in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases where a student's ability to complete an award is permanently compromised by severe illness once exceptional circumstances processes have been fully considered and followed as applicable. All Aegrotat awards are unclassified. All taught awards are available as Aegrotat awards, with the exception of degrees which are subject to fitness to practice requirements which shall not be awarded Aegrotat awards. The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education), and Chair of University Exam Board, may exercise their discretion to recommend conferment of an Aegrotat award where the appropriate criteria have been met. As an Aegrotat award is a final exit award. It must be considered to be the conclusion of a student's study on a particular course and the implications of this must be agreed with the student prior to consideration of the award by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education), and Chair of University Exam Board. Before a recommendation for an Aegrotat award is submitted, the student must have indicated that they are willing to accept the award and they understand that this involves waiving the right to be reassessed.
14. Honours Classification
14.1 Students may be awarded the degree with honours classification as follows:
(a) First Class: Overall average for the best modules equivalent to 120 credits = 70%>
(b) Second Class Division I: Overall average for the best modules equivalent to 120 credits = 60-69%
(c) Second Class Division II: Overall average for the best modules equivalent to 120 credits = 50-59%
(d) Third Class: Overall average for the best modules equivalent to 120 credits = 40-49%; or
(e) Pass (unclassified honours degree): Overall average for the best modules equivalent to 120 credits = 35-40%.
15. Structure and content of Re-assessments
15.1 Where a student is required to be re-assessed for one or more modules prior to the start of the following academic year, the re-assessment shall, unless the relevant Board of Examiners decides that this is not practical, be of the same structure and be based upon the same syllabus as the assessment at the time of the initial failure, but need not include those elements of assessment in which the student has already satisfied the examiners.
15.2 Where a student is permitted to be re-assessed in one or more failed modules without attendance on the module(s), the following arrangements shall apply:
(a) for re-assessment within one year of the initial failure, the re-assessment shall, unless the relevant Board of Examiners decides that this is not practical, be of the same structure and be based upon the same syllabus as the assessment at the time of the initial failure;
(b) for re-assessment beyond one year of the initial failure, where the structure of the assessment is different from that at the time of the initial failure and/or the re-assessment is to be based upon a different syllabus, the Head of School concerned shall make arrangements for the student to be:
i. informed of changes in the structure of the assessment and the syllabus content; and
ii. offered, at an appropriate charge, the opportunity of attending relevant classes.