University Student Voice Committee

To provide the opportunity for students to engage in developments to enhance the student experience.

The Terms of Reference can be found here: University Student Voice Committee Terms of Reference - 2023


PVC Education Chair                 
Chief Operating Officer  
Executive Deans & PVCs  
Academic Registrar  
Director of Student Services and Success  
Chief Information Officer  
Director of Estate and Campus Services  
Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Membership Services)  
President of Keele Postgraduate Association  
Vice-President of Keele Postgraduate Association  
Union Development and Democracy Officer  
Education Officer  

Wellbeing Officer

Experience and Community Officer  
Union Network Leads - BAME, International, LGBTQ+, Post-graduate, Women's  
A Student Voice Representative from each Faculty  
A PGR Student Representative from each Research Institute / Faculty Research Office  
VCO Secretariat Officer Secretary

Minutes of meetings




Committee Dates

Wednesday 6th November 2024

Wednesday 5th February 2025

Wednesday 26th March 2025

Wednesday 28th May 2025