Research Degrees Committee


To operate as a pan-University examination board approving PGR degree awards, on behalf of Senate. 

Terms of Reference can be found here.


Professor Alexandra Lamont

Keele Doctoral Academy Director 


Professor Eran Edirisinghe

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise)


Dorothea Ross-Simpson   

Head of Academic Quality and Student Conduct


Professor Anthony Wrigley

PG Director - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


Professor Ceri Morgan

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Representative


Dr Shailesh Naire

PGR Director - Faculty of Natural Sciences


Dr Nicholas Wright   

Faculty of Natural Sciences Representative


Dr Sam Hider

PGR Director - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences


Dr Tony Curtis

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Representative


In attendance

Catherine Greaves

Student Records and Examinations Officer (PGR)


Zara Richards

Keele Doctoral Academy Manager



 Laura Grocott

Postgraduate Research Officer   


Committee Dates

Dates for the 2021/22 academic year will be published in due course.

Cover Sheet

Please contact the Committee Secretary for a copy of the latest cover sheet.